Recently, I encounter a problem regarding to the number of cores that can be used for SWAN model (the one in the COAWST package).
I can only use 30 cores to run my SWAN_only case. But I can use up to 200 cores for the SWAN4120 (not that in the COAWST package). Are there any bugs in the COAWST-version SWAN source codes?
My Domain: Curvilinear grid with 542 grids in x direction, and 437 grids in y direction. There are many land points in my domain (see the white area in the first attached figure).
The second attached file is my file.
Machine environment:
I use
(1) a Linux machine.
(2) intel64-ifort compiler
(3) mpich2 library for mpirun
(4) use netcdf4
I only "# define SWAN_MODEL" in my header file.
Do anyone know what may be the causes?