I just finished "Upwelling case" following https://www.myroms.org/wiki/ROMS_UNSW2008 .
Now I want to visualize this result(ocean_his.nc) without ROMS Plotting packages, but ncl or VAPOR.
However the grid[lat x lon] in the result seems not be determined.
When I use PrintVarSummary(any variable) in ncl, the result shows
Code: Select all
Dimensions and sizes: [ocean_time | 21] x [s_rho | 16] x [eta_rho | 82] x [xi_rho | 43]
ocean_time: [ 0..432000]
s_rho: [-0.96875..-0.03125]
Number Of Attributes: 7
long_name : potential temperature
units : Celsius
time : ocean_time
grid : grid
location : face
coordinates : x_rho y_rho s_rho ocean_time
field : temperature, scalar, series
However all trials fail because this grid has no valid dimension.
Code: Select all
fatal:No coordinate variable exists for dimension (eta_rho) in variable (temp)
get_src_grid_info: can't determine what type of source grid you have.
How can I make this grid to valid coordinate which can be plot?
I am sorry if I had mistake above letter-It's my first text.
Thank you.