Why the grid has no info + How plot with ncl

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Why the grid has no info + How plot with ncl

#1 Unread post by limsoo31 »

Hello. I'm Soo a newbie of ROMS.
I just finished "Upwelling case" following https://www.myroms.org/wiki/ROMS_UNSW2008 .

Now I want to visualize this result(ocean_his.nc) without ROMS Plotting packages, but ncl or VAPOR.
However the grid[lat x lon] in the result seems not be determined.

When I use PrintVarSummary(any variable) in ncl, the result shows

Code: Select all

Dimensions and sizes:	[ocean_time | 21] x [s_rho | 16] x [eta_rho | 82] x [xi_rho | 43]
            ocean_time: [   0..432000]
            s_rho: [-0.96875..-0.03125]
Number Of Attributes: 7
  long_name :	potential temperature
  units :	Celsius
  time :	ocean_time
  grid :	grid
  location :	face
  coordinates :	x_rho y_rho s_rho ocean_time
  field :	temperature, scalar, series
I tried to change this curvilinear grid to another.
However all trials fail because this grid has no valid dimension.

Code: Select all

fatal:No coordinate variable exists for dimension (eta_rho) in variable (temp)

get_src_grid_info: can't determine what type of source grid you have.
Also in VAPOR tell me the grid is invalid.
How can I make this grid to valid coordinate which can be plot?

I am sorry if I had mistake above letter-It's my first text.
Thank you.


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Re: Why the grid has no info + How plot with ncl

#2 Unread post by kate »

Are you aware of this page for plotting ROMS with NCL? Justin Small at NCAR also has some NCL scripts for working with ROMS.


Re: Why the grid has no info + How plot with ncl

#3 Unread post by limsoo31 »

Thank you for replying!
Yes I checked code on that page but it requires "CGOA_grid_3.nc" file.
I have tried to search that file but fail.

I need to contact him. Thanks a lot!

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Re: Why the grid has no info + How plot with ncl

#4 Unread post by kate »

Well, I have that file lying around, but that's the grid file for one of my old domains, not for your domain. You need the grid file for your domain, which would be in the output from the UPWELLING case. Some ROMS domains use xr, yr while others use lonr, latr. UPWELLING is one using x,y while CGOA uses lon,lat. Depending on the scripts, you might have to change things accordingly.


Re: Why the grid has no info + How plot with ncl

#5 Unread post by limsoo31 »

kate wrote:Well, I have that file lying around, but that's the grid file for one of my old domains, not for your domain. You need the grid file for your domain, which would be in the output from the UPWELLING case. Some ROMS domains use xr, yr while others use lonr, latr. UPWELLING is one using x,y while CGOA uses lon,lat. Depending on the scripts, you might have to change things accordingly.
Thank you Kate!
Could you let me know where I get the script?


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