0: RESHAPE: not enough elements in SOURCE array

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0: RESHAPE: not enough elements in SOURCE array

#1 Unread post by donghua »

Hi all

I tried to run a case with nested grid. Simulations with only parent or child grid are successful. But the result of the child grid is problematic. So we'd like to run a case with nested grid.
The child grid is a refined grid and completely inside the parent grid. The child grid has 15 sigma levels, while the parent grid has 42 sigma levels. I used contact.m to generate the contact file.

In the test run log file, it seems that the model can read two grids. But I got these errors:

Code: Select all

0: RESHAPE: not enough elements in SOURCE array
0: RESHAPE: not enough elements in SOURCE array
I wonder if anyone has got this problem before. Could you guys give me some suggestion?
Thanks a million in advance!

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Re: 0: RESHAPE: not enough elements in SOURCE array

#2 Unread post by kate »

My suggestion is to use the same number of vertical levels in both grids to see if that runs.


Re: 0: RESHAPE: not enough elements in SOURCE array

#3 Unread post by donghua »

Thanks, Kate
I will try to run a job with the same sigma levels.

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