I have used the bulk_fluxes option, to force the model with shortwave (swrad) and longwave downwelling radiation (lwrad_down), among other variables, but I am getting SST somewhat higher (1 to 2 ºC) than the local observations or satellite temperatures.
The input radiations seem to me to have the expected values and as the currents also have normal values to the region I am studying, I think this is a radiation issue. Has someone had a similar problem and can give me any hint to lower the sea surface temperature?
Note: I am using roms-2.2
Thanks in advance,
radiation / sst issue
some simple checks:
Remember you have to feed ROMS with 'net' shortwave, i.e., albedo effect already taken into account.
Remember to define DIURNAL_SRFLUX if you are using daily values of shortwave radiation
Remember to adjoust the values (in mod_scalars.F) of
according to your meteo input data.
well ... just in case you didn't
Remember you have to feed ROMS with 'net' shortwave, i.e., albedo effect already taken into account.
Remember to define DIURNAL_SRFLUX if you are using daily values of shortwave radiation
Remember to adjoust the values (in mod_scalars.F) of
Code: Select all
real(r8) :: blk_ZQ = 10.0_r8 ! (m)
real(r8) :: blk_ZT = 10.0_r8 ! (m)
real(r8) :: blk_ZW = 10.0_r8 ! (m)
well ... just in case you didn't