I've had some success running cases with different individual forcing files. I've also been able to restart simulations in the past. This restart is the first time I've tried using more than 1 forcing file.
The original run only has a river forcing NetCDF file. The restart includes the river & an additional forcing file for wind stress.
Is it bad form or illegal to add a forcing file when doing a restart?
When I run the restart I get this information about the error:
Code: Select all
NETCDF_OPEN - unable to open existing NetCDF file:
call from: inquire.F
ROMS/TOMS - Output error ............ exit_flag: 3
ERROR: Abnormal termination: NetCDF OUTPUT.
REASON: Invalid argument
For the curious, the nc_dump -h for my forcing files are below:
Code: Select all
NetCDF-3 64bit wind_frc10.nc {
sms_time = 8640 ;
eta_rho = 100 ;
xi_rho = 81 ;
Code: Select all
NetCDF-3 64bit riverdb_frc.nc {
xi_rho = 81 ;
xi_u = 80 ;
xi_v = 81 ;
eta_rho = 100 ;
eta_u = 100 ;
eta_v = 99 ;
s_rho = 16 ;
river = 1 ;
time = UNLIMITED ; (1 currently)
Code: Select all
NetCDF-3 64bit ocean_rst4.nc {
xi_rho = 81 ;
xi_u = 80 ;
xi_v = 81 ;
xi_psi = 80 ;
eta_rho = 100 ;
eta_u = 100 ;
eta_v = 99 ;
eta_psi = 99 ;
N = 16 ;
s_rho = 16 ;
s_w = 17 ;
tracer = 2 ;
boundary = 4 ;
ocean_time = UNLIMITED ; (2 currently)
A few other threads (namely this one: https://myroms.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=2735)
Seem to face similar problems but none are quite the same with this call to inquire.F
it's my understanding that this utility function is meant to check the NetCDF files being used in a run but I have no idea what it doesn't like.
Any input is appreciated.