How to calculate flux to one basin through strait

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How to calculate flux to one basin through strait

#1 Unread post by javadi »

Hi all,

I try to calculate how much water enters from the strait to our basin.

My box is the surface while bounding in the depth of 200 m.

How can calculate how much heat enters temperature or salinity flux enters our basin when defining a transect?

There are some codes for it to extract after simulation for example from the history file, or can we activate some variables .in file to calculate it directly?


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Re: How to calculate flux to one basin through strait

#2 Unread post by pmaccc »

We generally calculate fluxes through sections using hourly saved output (for runs with tidal variability), and then calculating the transport at each time on the native u- or v-grid, interpolating h, zeta, salt, temp, etc. from neighboring rho-grid points onto the velocity grid.

You can also do this exactly by saving averages, but this can slow down the run and make the output files larger, so we only do it when absolutely necessary.

Once you make a time series of transport through a section, it is highly advisable to check it using a volume-integrated budget of (1) water, and (2) salt.

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Re: How to calculate flux to one basin through strait

#3 Unread post by javadi »


Thanks for your response.

So how can I access them?

I should run the model, and after that, I should use another code to calculate it separately.
Or can we activate some options for example the file to give use salt transport or temperature transport from one transect in history file or average file?

I do not understand it how we can access to them?


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