Now,i can run couping model (ROMS + SWAN). But i meet some questions.
First, I can't find the cpp (WEC_BREAKING WEC_WCAP) that mentioned at Kumar(2012) .
Second ,I found that the ubar_wbrk and ubar_wroll in the always is 0. i had set cpp(WEC_VF WEC_ROLLER) at
How to set cpp if i want to compute the ubar_wbrk and ubar_wroll?How to modify the file of .h and .in ?
Thank very much.
Kumar, Nirnimesh, et al. "Implementation of the vortex force formalism in the coupled ocean-atmosphere-wave-sediment transport (COAWST) modeling system for inner shelf and surf zone applications." Ocean Modelling 47 (2012): 65-95.
qeustion about ROMS+SWAN(COAWST)
Re: qeustion about ROMS+SWAN(COAWST)
sorry for the very long delay on this response. i had lost this thread.
when coupled to swan, the wec breaking is the wave dissipation from swan. it comes from swan as a variable DISSURF and put into roms variable Dissip_break. That Dissip_break is used:
- #define WEC_VF then it is used to drive currents
- #define GLS_MIXING, #define TKE_WAVEDISS and #define ZOS_HSIG then it can be used in the GLS to drive a surface flux of tke
- #define WEC_ROLER and then #define ROLLER_RENIERS or #define ROLLER_SVENDSEN then some of it can be put into the roller.
- #define WAVE_MIXING and it can be used in the computation of AKv
when coupled to swan, the wec whitecapping is the wave white capping from swan. it comes from swan as a variable DISWCAP and put into roms variable Dissip_wcap. That Dissip_wcap is used:
- #define GLS_MIXING, #define TKE_WAVEDISS and #define ZOS_HSIG then it can be used in the GLS to drive a surface flux of tke
- #define WAVE_MIXING and it can be used in the computation of AKv
for the diagnostics, i see the wbrk values set in wec_vf, so it should have values. can you check the his file to see if you have dissip_break values in there?
for the roller, it has its own diagnostics in wec_vf. so maybe you dont have the correct cpp defs on.
when coupled to swan, the wec breaking is the wave dissipation from swan. it comes from swan as a variable DISSURF and put into roms variable Dissip_break. That Dissip_break is used:
- #define WEC_VF then it is used to drive currents
- #define GLS_MIXING, #define TKE_WAVEDISS and #define ZOS_HSIG then it can be used in the GLS to drive a surface flux of tke
- #define WEC_ROLER and then #define ROLLER_RENIERS or #define ROLLER_SVENDSEN then some of it can be put into the roller.
- #define WAVE_MIXING and it can be used in the computation of AKv
when coupled to swan, the wec whitecapping is the wave white capping from swan. it comes from swan as a variable DISWCAP and put into roms variable Dissip_wcap. That Dissip_wcap is used:
- #define GLS_MIXING, #define TKE_WAVEDISS and #define ZOS_HSIG then it can be used in the GLS to drive a surface flux of tke
- #define WAVE_MIXING and it can be used in the computation of AKv
for the diagnostics, i see the wbrk values set in wec_vf, so it should have values. can you check the his file to see if you have dissip_break values in there?
for the roller, it has its own diagnostics in wec_vf. so maybe you dont have the correct cpp defs on.