I think I have found a bug in how the potential vorticity calculation is computed. I was trying to make the output match my expectations for a motionless, stratified f-plane ocean, and found this (I think) error.
In set_avg.F, the function that calculates the potential vorticity is called as (make sure to scroll to the bottom of the code)
Code: Select all
CALL vorticity_tile (ng, tile, &
& LBi, UBi, LBj, UBj, &
& IminS, ImaxS, JminS, JmaxS, &
# ifdef SOLVE3D
& Kout, Nout, &
# else
& Kout, &
# endif
# ifdef MASKING
& GRID(ng) % pmask, &
& GRID(ng) % umask, &
& GRID(ng) % vmask, &
# endif
& GRID(ng) % fomn, & !BUG?, note it is passing fomn
Code: Select all
SUBROUTINE vorticity_tile (ng, tile, &
& LBi, UBi, LBj, UBj, &
& IminS, ImaxS, JminS, JmaxS, &
# ifdef SOLVE3D
& kout, nout, &
# else
& kout, &
# endif
# ifdef MASKING
& pmask, umask, vmask, &
# endif
& f, h, om_u, on_v, pm, pn, & !note that it is called f here
Code: Select all
cff=0.0625_r8* &
& (pm(i-1,j-1)+pm(i-1,j)+pm(i,j-1)+pm(i,j))* &
& (pn(i-1,j-1)+pn(i-1,j)+pn(i,j-1)+pn(i,j))