This script has been created a while ago and is now used by several people in our UCSC data assimilation group. It has become more sophisticated over time and can do a lot more than the `submit_is4dvar.bash` script that comes with ROMS.
The highlights:
- fully automated file renaming
- starting of ROMS via mpirun or sbatch job submission
- slicing of observation files to fit each 4DVar cycle
- fully configurable using a single configuration file for each assimilation run (unlike `submit_is4dvar.bash`, the script itself is not edited by the user)
- restart from failed runs
- written fully in bash, it only requires an installation of the NCO toolkit (for ncks, ncap2, etc.)
- optional compression of ROMS output after each cycle
Feel free to ask questions about it here, if I see some interest, I'll expand its documentation on github. If you are encountering issues, please post an issue on the github page page.