I'm performing a ROMS nested simulation in the Alboran Sea (Western Mediterranean). I have some concerns about the tidal forcing, and I would really appreciate your help.
The parent simulation was obtained from Mercator Global model, with no tidal forcing. The nested simulation will be forced with tides. I'm making the tidal forcing file from TPX07 data using Roms_tools.
In TOPX0 products, tides are provided as complex amplitudes of earth-relative sea-surface elevation for each harmonic constituent (as stated in the OSU web site). So, when I obtain my forcing file using Roms_tools, values for variable "tide_EAmp" range from 0 m to 1 m, approximately...
However, my parent solution, obtained from Mercator Global model, displays "zeta" values ranging from -0.8 m to -0.1 m (always negative). I think the reference level in Mercator is ADT.
So, my question is:
Before running the nested simulation, should I make any corrections in order to match the reference levels for "zeta" and "tide_EAmp"?
Thank you very much for your help.