Code: Select all
% D_MERCATOR2ROMS: Driver script to create a ROMS initial conditions
% This a user modifiable script that can be used to prepare ROMS
% initial conditions NetCDF file from Mercator dataset. It sets-up
% all the necessary parameters and variables. USERS can use this
% as a prototype for their application.
% svn $Id: d_mercator2roms.m 938 2019-01-28 06:35:10Z arango $
% Copyright (c) 2002-2019 The ROMS/TOMS Group %
% Licensed under a MIT/X style license %
% See License_ROMS.txt Hernan G. Arango %
clear all;
%% Set file names.
OPR_Dir = 'E:/matlab/initial/data_source/';
RTR_Dir = 'E:/matlab/initial/data_source/';
Tfile = '';
Sfile = '';
GRDname = 'E:/matlab/initial/data_source/';
INIname = 'E:/matlab/initial/data_source/';
CREATE = true; % logical switch to create NetCDF
report = false; % report vertical grid information
%% Get number of grid points.
Lu = Lr-1; Lv = Lr;
Mu = Mr; Mv = Mr-1;
% Create initial conditions NetCDF file.
% Set full path of Mercator files assigned as initial conditions.
fileT=fullfile(RTR_Dir,Tfile); lenT=1;
fileS=fullfile(RTR_Dir,Sfile); lenS=1;
% Set application parameters in structure array, S.
S.ncname = INIname; % output NetCDF file
S.spherical = 1; % spherical grid
S.Lm = Lr-2; % number of interior RHO-points, X-direction
S.Mm = Mr-2; % number of interior RHO-points, Y-direction
S.N = 50; % number of vertical levels at RHO-points
S.NT = 2; % total number of tracers
S.Vtransform = 2; % vertical transfomation equation
S.Vstretching = 4; % vertical stretching function
S.theta_s = 7.0; % S-coordinate surface control parameter
S.theta_b = 0.1; % S-coordinate bottom control parameter
S.Tcline = 200.0; % S-coordinate surface/bottom stretching width
S.hc = S.Tcline; % S-coordinate stretching width
% Set grid variables.
S.h = nc_read(GRDname, 'h'); % bathymetry
S.lon_rho = nc_read(GRDname, 'lon_rho'); % RHO-longitude
S.lat_rho = nc_read(GRDname, 'lat_rho'); % RHO-latitude
S.lon_u = nc_read(GRDname, 'lon_u'); % U-longitude
S.lat_u = nc_read(GRDname, 'lat_u'); % U-latitude
S.lon_v = nc_read(GRDname, 'lon_v'); % V-longitude
S.lat_v = nc_read(GRDname, 'lat_v'); % V-latitude
S.mask_rho = nc_read(GRDname, 'mask_rho'); % RHO-mask
S.mask_u = nc_read(GRDname, 'mask_u'); % U-mask
S.mask_v = nc_read(GRDname, 'mask_v'); % V-mask
S.angle = nc_read(GRDname, 'angle'); % curvilinear angle
%% Set vertical grid variables.
kgrid=0; % RHO-points
[S.s_rho, S.Cs_r]=stretching(S.Vstretching, ...
S.theta_s, S.theta_b, S.hc, S.N, ...
kgrid, report);
kgrid=1; % W-points
[S.s_w, S.Cs_w]=stretching(S.Vstretching, ...
S.theta_s, S.theta_b, S.hc, S.N, ...
kgrid, report);
% Interpolate initial conditions from Mercator data to application grid.
disp(' ')
disp('Interpolating from Mercator to ROMS grid ...');
disp(' ')
%% Uncompress input Mercator files.
% s=unix(['gunzip ',fileT]);
% s=unix(['gunzip ',fileU]);
% s=unix(['gunzip ',fileV]);
%% Read Mercator data has a time coordinate counter (seconds) that
% starts on 11-Oct-2006.
% time = nc_read(fileT(1:lenT),'time_counter');
% mydate = datestr(datenum('11-Oct-2006')+time/86400-0.5,0);
% disp([ ' Processing: ', mydate]);
% disp(' ')
%% Get Mercator grid.
Tlon =nc_read(fileT,'lon');
Tlat =nc_read(fileT,'lat');
Tdepth =nc_read(fileT,'depth');
%% In the western Pacific, the level 50 (z=5727.9 m) of the Mercator data
% is all zeros. Our grid needs depth of Zr=-5920 m. Therefore, the depths
% are modified in level 49 (z=5274.7 m) to bound the vertical interpolation.
% Tdepth(49)=6000; Udepth(49)=6000; Vdepth(49)=6000;
% Tdepth(50)=6100; Udepth(50)=6100; Vdepth(50)=6100;
% Read in initial conditions fields.
% Uvel=nc_read(fileU(1:lenU),'vozocrtx');
% Vvel=nc_read(fileV(1:lenV),'vomecrty');
%% Determine Mercator Land/Sea mask. Since Mercator is a Z-level model, the mask is 3D.
ind=find(Temp >= 40.0);
clear ind
%% Compress input Mercator files.
% s=unix(['gzip ',fileT(1:lenT)]);
% s=unix(['gzip ',fileU(1:lenU)]);
% s=unix(['gzip ',fileV(1:lenV)]);
%% Set initial conditions time (seconds).
% The time coordinate for this
% ROMS application is "seconds since 2007-01-01 00:00:00". The 0.5
% coefficient here is to account Mecator daily average.
% MyTime=time/86400-(datenum('1-Jan-2007')-datenum('11-Oct-2006'))-0.5;
% S.ocean_time = MyTime*86400;
S.ocean_time = 86400; % set to Jan 1, because of forcing
%% Interpolate free-surface initial conditions.
zeta= mercator2roms('zeta',S,Zeta,Tlon,Tlat,Rmask3d(:,:,1));
% Compute ROMS model depths. Ignore free-sruface contribution
% so interpolation is bounded below mean sea level.
[S.z_r]=set_depth(S.Vtransform, S.Vstretching, ...
S.theta_s, S.theta_b, S.hc, S.N, ...
igrid, S.h, zeta);
[S.z_u]=set_depth(S.Vtransform, S.Vstretching, ...
S.theta_s, S.theta_b, S.hc, S.N, ...
igrid, S.h,zeta);
[S.z_v]=set_depth(S.Vtransform, S.Vstretching, ...
S.theta_s, S.theta_b, S.hc, S.N, ...
igrid, S.h,zeta);
% Compute ROMS vertical level thicknesses (m).
[S.z_w]=set_depth(S.Vtransform, S.Vstretching, ...
S.theta_s, S.theta_b, S.hc, S.N, ...
igrid, S.h, zeta);
% Interpolate temperature and salinity.
temp = mercator2roms('temp',S,Temp,Tlon,Tlat,Rmask3d,Tdepth);
salt = mercator2roms('salt',S,Salt,Tlon,Tlat,Rmask3d,Tdepth);
Urho = zeros(size(temp));
Vrho = zeros(size(temp));
% Urho=mercator2roms('u' ,S,Uvel,Tlon,Tlat,Rmask3d,Udepth);
% Vrho=mercator2roms('v' ,S,Vvel,Tlon,Tlat,Rmask3d,Vdepth);
% Urho=mercator2roms('u' ,S,Uvel,Tlon,Tlat,Rmask3d,Udepth);
% Vrho=mercator2roms('v' ,S,Vvel,Tlon,Tlat,Rmask3d,Vdepth);
% Process velocity: rotate and/or average to staggered C-grid locations.
% Compute barotropic velocities by vertically integrating (u,v).
% Create initial condition Netcdf file.
%% Set attributes for "ocean_time".
% avalue='seconds since 2007-01-01 00:00:00';
% [status]=nc_attadd(INIname,'units',avalue,'ocean_time');
% avalue='gregorian';
% [status]=nc_attadd(INIname,'calendar',avalue,'ocean_time');
%% Set global attributes.
% avalue='Philippine Archipelago Straits, ~5.5 km resolution, Grid b';
% [status]=nc_attadd(INIname,'title',avalue);
% avalue='Mercator system PSY3V2 daily average, 0.25 degree resolution';
% [status]=nc_attadd(INIname,'data_source',avalue);
% [status]=nc_attadd(INIname,'grd_file',GRDname);
% Write out initial conditions.
disp(' ')
disp([ 'Writing initial conditions ...']);
disp(' ')
[~]=nc_write(INIname, 'spherical', S.spherical);
[~]=nc_write(INIname, 'Vtransform', S.Vtransform);
[~]=nc_write(INIname, 'Vstretching', S.Vstretching);
[~]=nc_write(INIname, 'theta_s', S.theta_s);
[~]=nc_write(INIname, 'theta_b', S.theta_b);
[~]=nc_write(INIname, 'Tcline', S.Tcline);
[~]=nc_write(INIname, 'hc', S.hc);
[~]=nc_write(INIname, 's_rho', S.s_rho);
[~]=nc_write(INIname, 's_w', S.s_w);
[~]=nc_write(INIname, 'Cs_r', S.Cs_r);
[~]=nc_write(INIname, 'Cs_w', S.Cs_w);
[~]=nc_write(INIname, 'h', S.h);
[~]=nc_write(INIname, 'lon_rho', S.lon_rho);
[~]=nc_write(INIname, 'lat_rho', S.lat_rho);
[~]=nc_write(INIname, 'lon_u', S.lon_u);
[~]=nc_write(INIname, 'lat_u', S.lat_u);
[~]=nc_write(INIname, 'lon_v', S.lon_v);
[~]=nc_write(INIname, 'lat_v', S.lat_v);
IniRec = 1;
[~]=nc_write(INIname, 'ocean_time', S.ocean_time, IniRec);
[~]=nc_write(INIname, 'zeta', Zeta, IniRec);
[~]=nc_write(INIname, 'ubar', ubar, IniRec);
[~]=nc_write(INIname, 'vbar', vbar, IniRec);
[~]=nc_write(INIname, 'u', u, IniRec);
[~]=nc_write(INIname, 'v', v, IniRec);
[~]=nc_write(INIname, 'temp', temp, IniRec);
[~]=nc_write(INIname, 'salt', salt, IniRec);
% Set masking indices to facilitate plotting. They can be used to
% replace ROMS Land/Sea mask with NaNs.
inr2d=find(S.mask_rho == 0);
inr3d=find(repmat(S.mask_rho,[1,1,N]) == 0);
Interpolated temp number of NaNs replaced with nearest value = 37860258
Min= NaN Max= NaN
Interpolated salt number of NaNs replaced with nearest value = 37860258
Min= NaN Max= NaN
Writing initial conditions ...
Wrote h Min= 6.00000e+01 Max= 5.00000e+03
Wrote lon_rho Min= 1.07531e+02 Max= 1.39895e+02
Wrote lat_rho Min=-1.50192e+01 Max= 1.34821e+01
Wrote lon_u Min= 1.07553e+02 Max= 1.39873e+02
Wrote lat_u Min=-1.50192e+01 Max= 1.34821e+01
Wrote lon_v Min= 1.07531e+02 Max= 1.39895e+02
Wrote lat_v Min=-1.49971e+01 Max= 1.34597e+01
Wrote zeta into record: 0001, Min= 0.00000e+00 Max= 0.00000e+00
Wrote ubar into record: 0001, Min= NaN Max= NaN
Wrote vbar into record: 0001, Min= NaN Max= NaN
Wrote u into record: 0001, Min= 0.00000e+00 Max= 0.00000e+00
Wrote v into record: 0001, Min= 0.00000e+00 Max= 0.00000e+00
Wrote temp into record: 0001, Min= 0.00000e+00 Max= 0.00000e+00
Wrote salt into record: 0001, Min= 0.00000e+00 Max= 0.00000e+00
I have some problems with these codes, the results of interpolation are 0.0 for temperature and salinity. anyone can help me to solve this problem?