We are announcing a COAWST Training workshop to be held Mon – Thurs Feb 25-28, 2019
on the campus of the North Carolina State University, in Raleigh, NC.
If you would like to attend the Training, please send an email to jcwarner@usgs.gov with a full list the people that would like to attend (Name, affiliation, and emails for each). Space is limited and we may have to limit the number of people per group. We are looking to have the presentations broadcasted live via 'webex' and recorded for those who cannot attend on site.
This Training will target people who have at least a basic working knowledge of the different components of the modeling system. Before attending, you should be able to download the code, compile it on your system, and at least run some of the basic test cases that are distributed. Please plan to attend with a working example of your own application. There will be time to continue developing your application, as well as discussing issues, share approaches, explain new features, and allow members to interact. Prior to the Training, we plan to update COAWST with a more recent version of ROMS, update to WRF v4.0, include WaveWatch as part of the distribution and coupled, and update the coupling tools. This will bring new capabilities, options, and challenges.
Tentative agenda:
Mon - WRF overview, WRF coupling, SST updating, multiple grids.
Tues - ROMS overview, grid refinement, boundary conditions, climatology/forcing/boundary data, WRF+ROMS coupling.
Wed - SWAN overview, grids, coupling to ROMS, WRF. WaveWatch implementation.
Thurs - Sediment, InWave, SeaIce, Tools, self guided applications, etc
We will also explore the opportunity for individual participant presentations (5 min ea), I think this helped last time to allow more interaction.
Internet connections provided during the week.
Comments/suggestions welcome.
More information to follow on the meeting website
John C. Warner, Ph.D.
U.S. Geological Survey
384 Woods Hole Road
Woods Hole, MA 02543
508-457-2237 ph. 508-457-2310 fax