Could not read in multiple boundary files correctly

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Could not read in multiple boundary files correctly

#1 Unread post by rock »

I updated my ROMS to the newest version recently, with file /Utility/inquiry.F But it could not read in multiple boundary files correctly. Which previously works fine. And the older version has file /Utility/inquire.F
The inquiry.F file could not update the ncid to the second file, it only updates the file name. My current solution is modifying according to the old inquire.F file with the boundary file sections. The climate files may have same situation.

In addition, when restart with the newst version. The model seeks forcing data 1-dt (dt of the forcing data) before the restart time, even there is a data at the restart time. To avoid this, again I modified get_cycle.F according to the old version.


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Re: Could not read in multiple boundary files correctly

#2 Unread post by arango »

You need to provide more information. The new inquiry.F was modified to provide the correct transition between annual files.

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Re: Could not read in multiple boundary files correctly

#3 Unread post by rock »

According to the log file, the model loaded in the next boundary file name correctly. But the Tmin, Tmax, and ntime reported from get_cycle.F are still from the first boundary file. I noticed this because my next boundary file should have a longer ntime. Chasing down this, I found the ncid used by get_cycle.F still points to the first file.

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