Dear Colleagues,
Please consider submitting an abstract to session
PC007. Oceanic Climate and Ecosystem Variability and Change in Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems ... ssion28753
at the upcoming Ocean Sciences meeting in February in Portland Oregon.
Abstracts submission website:
Abstracts submission deadline: 6 September 2017, 23:59 EDT
An abstract describing the session is linked above and appended below.
Curtis Deutsch (University of Washington)
Jim McWilliams (UCLA)
Alex Hall (UCLA)
Session Description:
Coastal climates along the major oceanic eastern boundaries are
governed by a complex interplay of alongshore winds and clouds shaped by
topography, ocean upwelling and eddies. These factors combine to yield
marine ecosystems that are highly productive and diverse, and at the
cutting edge of major climate trends including hypoxia and
acidification. Future projections of the climate and ecosystem response
of EBUS to global change are compromised by poor resolution of the
scales of coastal variability. We invite studies of EBUS based on
observational analysis and high-resolution earth system models, aimed at
characterizing patterns of variability and detection and attribution of
trends in climate and ecosystem processes. Studies that emphasize
mechanisms of variability and change are especially encouraged.