Two more sessions at 2016 AGU Ocean Sciences meeting

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Two more sessions at 2016 AGU Ocean Sciences meeting

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This is to inform you of two more sessions at the upcoming AGU Ocean Sciences meeting in New Orleans (21-26 February, 2016). One is related to coastal hypoxia (session ID #7828) and one related to physical and biogeochemical processes in coastal and shelf seas (session ID #9277). Please consider submitting an oral or poster presentation and attending the sessions. The abstract submissions page is open ( and the deadline for all submissions is Wednesday, 23 September 23:59 EDT/03:59 +1 GMT. More details on both sessions follow below.

Session title: Advances in Coastal Hypoxia Modeling: From Physics to Fish
Session ID: 7828
Dubravko Justic (chair), Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, United States
Katja Fennel, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada
Arnaud Laurent (co-chair), Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada

Hypoxia (< 2 mg O2 L-1) has been reported with increasing frequency from a variety of coastal and estuarine ecosystems. Hypoxia develops as a result of complex interactions of physical and biological processes, which often cannot be fully understood through observations alone. Numerical models are an important research tool that can be applied to understand the processes that determine the spatial and temporal variations in hypoxia. This session is devoted to diverse modeling approaches, including mechanisms controlling hypoxia development, anthropogenic and climatic influences on hypoxia, and the ecological effects of hypoxia on regional ecosystems. Studies may focus on processes or prediction of hypoxia, causes or effects of hypoxia, physics or fish. Applicable models range from purely empirical to complex three-dimensional models.

Session title: Physical and biogeochemical processes supporting shelf sea primary productivity and carbon cycling
Session ID: 9277
Jonathan Sharples (chair), University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom
Richard J Sanders (co-chair), National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, United Kingdom
Jack Barth (co-chair), Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, United States
Katja Fennel (co-chair), Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada

An important challenge in oceanography is to understand how high rates of primary production in shelf seas are sustained by supplies of nutrients, and to what extent the subsequent cycling and transport of fixed elements may result in a net export of carbon to the deep ocean. The problem requires knowledge of the physical processes that exchange water between the deep ocean and the shelf, and the role of riverine and atmospheric inputs of nutrients. On the shelf we need to understand how biogeochemical cycling of elements (e.g. C, N, P, Si, oxygen, and Fe) in the water column and sediments is driven by and affects shelf ecosystems (e.g. primary production, grazing, plankton community structure, carbonate chemistry, remineralisation, development of episodic or seasonal hypoxia) and to what extent carbon is exported from the shelf to the open ocean. Contributions are invited on the physics and biogeochemistry of shelf-ocean exchange, riverine inputs to shelf seas, shelf biogeochemical processes, and air-sea carbon and nitrogen fluxes in shelf systems, as well as conceptual or model-based research that draws the physics and biogeochemistry strands together.

Kind regards,
Katja Fennel

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