Question about grid generation in seagrid

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Question about grid generation in seagrid

#1 Unread post by cc_wind »


I am using ROMS model for circulation research in Chesapeake Bay. Recently, I meet some problems in grid generation and need helps. I have had a set of grid data (*.nc file) which can be directly used in ROMS, but I want to double the horizontal resolution because of some poor simulations in the previous version. My question is: whether can the previous grid data be transferred to a file (*.mat) which is directly available in seagrid? If it is ok, I can open the file of *.mat in seagrid and double the resolution on the basis of the previous grid.
By the way, the previous grid data is very good for the case of Chesapeake Bay and I only want to add its resolution. It is difficult for me to use a boundary file to reproduce the previous grid data in seagrid. I tried, but I failed.

Any help will be greatly appreciated! Thanks.


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