the variable ieast iwest isouth inorth have not been defined.
So I think that we should add a line in ana_m3obc.h, as follow:
Code: Select all
SUBROUTINE ana_m3obc_tile (ng, tile, model, &
& LBi, UBi, LBj, UBj, &
& IminS, ImaxS, JminS, JmaxS)
USE mod_param
USE mod_boundary
USE mod_ncparam
USE mod_scalars,only: ieast,iwest,isouth,inorth !!zhuxm 2013-11-12
! Imported variable declarations.
integer, intent(in) :: ng, tile, model
integer, intent(in) :: LBi, UBi, LBj, UBj
integer, intent(in) :: IminS, ImaxS, JminS, JmaxS