I'm trying to understand the relationship between the five diagnostics one gets for each tracer when DIAGNOSTICS_TS is turned on. I would have guessed that (for example)
salt_rate = salt_hdiff + salt_vdiff + salt_hadv + salt_vadv
(or maybe that some of these terms were on the other side of the equal sign), and that since this is a linear budget, that this would be strictly true for any averaging period, and cell by cell. It doesn't seem to be, though: in many places these don't balance cell by cell within a factor of 2. Could it have to do with correlations with layer thickness over the tidal cycle (I'm getting diagnostics every 25 h)?
Also--for biological tracers, does tracer_rate include the net change wrought by fasham.h, or is it only the physics?
tracer diagnostics
Your question is timely: Motivated by some of the group discussion at the User's meeting last month, I had prepared a few snipets of documentation for the tracer diagnostics to go into the web pages, but to answer your question I'll post them here:
In short, the balance you propose is correct. I just double-checked one of my CBLAST model runs and get closure of temp/salt_rate = hadv+vadv+vdiff (I had no hdiff term) to within 0.01%. Either the error is in the saved hdiff term, or somewhere else in your configuration.
I believe the net effects of the internal transformations in the biological code will end up in the _rate term. If you look in the code you'lll see the term is computed simply as the change from the preceeding time step.
Documentation on tracer diagnostic conventions:
The sign convention for the diagnostics terms is that all terms have been taken over to the right-hand-side, *except* for the time rate of change itself.
Therefore, a check on the sum of any set of tracer diagnostics should find that:
Tname_rate = Tname_hadv + Tname_vadv + Tname_hdiff + Tname_vdiff
To reconcile the the vertical integral of the vertical diffusion term with net surface heat flux (variable 'shflux' in the output history and averages file), consider that:
integral_-h^zeta d/dz(kappa_t dT/dz) dz = stflx(surface)-stflx(-h)
where stflx are the vertical boundary conditions on vertical diffusion, i.e. the surface and bottom *heat* fluxes Q(surface) and Q(-h) expressed in units of degC m s^-1.
Assuming Q(-h)=0, then the vertical integral of the vertical diffusion term will be positive if the net air-sea flux is warming the ocean, and negative if it is cooling the ocean.
The netcdf attributes for shflux state that:
shflux:negative_value = "upward flux, cooling"
shflux:positive_value = "downward flux, warming"
so you should find that these terms have the same sign.
If you divide shflux (W m^-2) by rho0*cp (1025*3985 degC m3 s^-1) to get the same units as the diagnostics (degC m s^-1) you should obtain the same numeric value as the vertical integral of temp_vdiff (to within the accuracy of the vertical integration step, which requires you make some assumption about the average zeta over the diagostics averaging interval when computing the vertical layer thicknesses).
In short, the balance you propose is correct. I just double-checked one of my CBLAST model runs and get closure of temp/salt_rate = hadv+vadv+vdiff (I had no hdiff term) to within 0.01%. Either the error is in the saved hdiff term, or somewhere else in your configuration.
I believe the net effects of the internal transformations in the biological code will end up in the _rate term. If you look in the code you'lll see the term is computed simply as the change from the preceeding time step.
Documentation on tracer diagnostic conventions:
The sign convention for the diagnostics terms is that all terms have been taken over to the right-hand-side, *except* for the time rate of change itself.
Therefore, a check on the sum of any set of tracer diagnostics should find that:
Tname_rate = Tname_hadv + Tname_vadv + Tname_hdiff + Tname_vdiff
To reconcile the the vertical integral of the vertical diffusion term with net surface heat flux (variable 'shflux' in the output history and averages file), consider that:
integral_-h^zeta d/dz(kappa_t dT/dz) dz = stflx(surface)-stflx(-h)
where stflx are the vertical boundary conditions on vertical diffusion, i.e. the surface and bottom *heat* fluxes Q(surface) and Q(-h) expressed in units of degC m s^-1.
Assuming Q(-h)=0, then the vertical integral of the vertical diffusion term will be positive if the net air-sea flux is warming the ocean, and negative if it is cooling the ocean.
The netcdf attributes for shflux state that:
shflux:negative_value = "upward flux, cooling"
shflux:positive_value = "downward flux, warming"
so you should find that these terms have the same sign.
If you divide shflux (W m^-2) by rho0*cp (1025*3985 degC m3 s^-1) to get the same units as the diagnostics (degC m s^-1) you should obtain the same numeric value as the vertical integral of temp_vdiff (to within the accuracy of the vertical integration step, which requires you make some assumption about the average zeta over the diagostics averaging interval when computing the vertical layer thicknesses).
John Wilkin: DMCS Rutgers University
71 Dudley Rd, New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8521, USA. ph: 609-630-0559 jwilkin@rutgers.edu
71 Dudley Rd, New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8521, USA. ph: 609-630-0559 jwilkin@rutgers.edu
TS diagnostics with MPDATA
I have been having similar problems with the T and S diagnostics. After looking at the code in step3d_t_tile, I think there may be a problem when the MPDATA option is set. In that case it looks like the basic horizontal and vertical advection terms are computed and summed without any calculation of the diagnostics. After that the "anti-difussive" corrections are made in the MPDATA logic and then the diagnostic terms are set equal to the corrections. Thus, when it's all done, the diagnostics represent the corrections rather than the actual values of the underlying terms.
This is extremely complex code at the *.F level with all the cpp options. I tried to sort it out, but gave up. Please let me know if I am on the right track and if so how to fix it.
This is extremely complex code at the *.F level with all the cpp options. I tried to sort it out, but gave up. Please let me know if I am on the right track and if so how to fix it.
I don't know for sure that anyone has tested the diagnostics terms with the MPDATA option. I certainly haven't.
If you're having trouble following the *.F code, then browse the *.f90 for your configuration and follow whether it's doing the right things. The diagnostics should certainly balance regardless of the advection option, but MPDATA is a new option so it will take some debugging.
When you figure out the problem, please make sure the information gets back to us.
If you're having trouble following the *.F code, then browse the *.f90 for your configuration and follow whether it's doing the right things. The diagnostics should certainly balance regardless of the advection option, but MPDATA is a new option so it will take some debugging.
When you figure out the problem, please make sure the information gets back to us.
John Wilkin: DMCS Rutgers University
71 Dudley Rd, New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8521, USA. ph: 609-630-0559 jwilkin@rutgers.edu
71 Dudley Rd, New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8521, USA. ph: 609-630-0559 jwilkin@rutgers.edu
tracer diagnostics
I was able to get the tracer budgets to work along with MPDATA by making 4 changes to step3d_t.F. It seemed to me that the diagnostic tracer work arrays were not being fully updated for MPDATA. I'm not 100% sure this is right, but I believe it's consistent. The lines are listed below between comments with my initials (CAE). I've included enough of the code to identify where in step3d_t.F these changes are needed
I was able to get the tracer budgets to work along with MPDATA by making 4 changes to step3d_t.F. It seemed to me that the diagnostic tracer work arrays were not being fully updated for MPDATA. I'm not 100% sure this is right, but I believe it's consistent. The lines are listed below between comments with my initials (CAE). I've included enough of the code to identify where in step3d_t.F these changes are needed
Code: Select all
686 # ifdef TS_MPDATA
687 Ta(i,j,k,itrc)=t(i,j,k,3,itrc)-cff1
688 !CAE
689 DiaTwrk(i,j,k,itrc,iThadv)=-cff1
690 !END CAE
691 # else
692 t(i,j,k,nnew,itrc)=t(i,j,k,nnew,itrc)-cff1
693 # ifdef DIAGNOSTICS_TS
694 DiaTwrk(i,j,k,itrc,iThadv)=-cff1
695 # endif
696 # endif
697 END DO
698 END DO
701 !
702 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
703 ! Time-step vertical advection term.
704 !---------------------------------------------------------------------
Code: Select all
848 !
849 ! Time-step vertical advection term.
850 # ifdef DIAGNOSTICS_TS
851 ! Convert units of tracer diagnostic terms to Tunits.
852 # endif
853 !
854 DO i=I_RANGE
855 CF(i,0)=dt(ng)*pm(i,j)*pn(i,j)
856 END DO
857 DO k=1,N(ng)
858 DO i=I_RANGE
859 cff1=CF(i,0)*(FC(i,k)-FC(i,k-1))
860 # ifdef TS_MPDATA
861 Ta(i,j,k,itrc)=(Ta(i,j,k,itrc)-cff1)*oHz(i,j,k)
862 !CAE
863 DiaTwrk(i,j,k,itrc,iTvadv)=-cff1
864 !END CAE
865 # else
866 t(i,j,k,nnew,itrc)=t(i,j,k,nnew,itrc)-cff1
Code: Select all
976 !
977 ! Time-step corrected horizontal advection (Tunits m).
978 !
979 DO j=Jstr,Jend
980 DO i=Istr,Iend
981 cff1=dt(ng)*(FX(i+1,j)-FX(i,j)+ &
982 & FE(i,j+1)-FE(i,j))* &
983 & pm(i,j)*pn(i,j)
984 t(i,j,k,nnew,itrc)=Ta(i,j,k,itrc)*Hz(i,j,k)-cff1
985 # ifdef DIAGNOSTICS_TS
986 !CAE
987 DiaTwrk(i,j,k,itrc,iThadv)=DiaTwrk(i,j,k,itrc,iThadv)- &
988 & cff1
989 !END CAE
990 !ORIGINAL WAY DiaTwrk(i,j,k,itrc,iThadv)=-cff1
991 # endif
Code: Select all
1011 !
1012 ! Time-step corrected vertical advection (Tunits).
1013 # ifdef DIAGNOSTICS_TS
1014 ! Convert units of tracer diagnostic terms to Tunits.
1015 # endif
1016 !
1017 DO i=Istr,Iend
1018 CF(i,0)=dt(ng)*pm(i,j)*pn(i,j)
1019 END DO
1020 DO k=1,N(ng)
1021 DO i=Istr,Iend
1022 cff1=CF(i,0)*(FC(i,k)-FC(i,k-1))
1023 t(i,j,k,nnew,itrc)=t(i,j,k,nnew,itrc)-cff1
1024 # ifdef DIAGNOSTICS_TS
1025 !CAE
1026 DiaTwrk(i,j,k,itrc,iTvadv)=DiaTwrk(i,j,k,itrc,iTvadv)- &
1027 & cff1
1028 !END CAE
1029 !ORIGINAL WAY DiaTwrk(i,j,k,itrc,iTvadv)=-cff1
1030 DiaTwrk(i,j,k,itrc,iThadv)=DiaTwrk(i,j,k,itrc,iThadv)* &
1031 & oHz(i,j,k)
tracer diagnostics fix for MPDATA
The code posted by CAE above matches what I came up with and it works for me as well. There are a couple of places in the .F file where it also needs #ifdef DIAGNOSTIS_TS so it won't get included if the diagnostics are not on. In working on this problem I also found that the diagnostics don't reset for NDIA=1. That can be fixed by adding " .or. (nDIA(ng).eq. 1) " to the test at the start of set_diags.F