I has come to my attention recently that some users want to use ROMS as a black box and get a realistic application in a couple of weeks. This is very illogical. If this is you intention, you are using the wrong model. ROMS/TOMS is very complex and it is intended for users interested in ocean modeling. The learning curve for ROMS/TOMS is very steep but it is our experince that the model grows on the user when he/she realizes its capabilities.
It is absurd for an advisor to request a new user from other disciplines and with no trainning in ocean modeling to get an application going in just a couple of weeks. For seasoned ocean modelers it takes much longer than that. It is just not running the model but looking at the results critically to see if you are getting the correct solution.
If this is your intent, I would recommend you establish a collaboration with experienced scientists that already have an application in your area of interest.