Understanding T_cline

General scientific issues regarding ROMS

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Understanding T_cline

#1 Unread post by Mauro »


What is the effect of T_cline in the height of the sigma vertical levels?

Does this affects the mixing layer?

Thank you,


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Joined: Sun Jul 27, 2003 6:49 pm
Location: UNH, USA

#2 Unread post by jpringle »

You can find scripts that allow you to experiment with the vertical grid parameters in part of the discussion thread "Stretching parameters - vertical coordinates" on this bulletin board. There is also some discussion of these parameters in the old manual for SCRUM, which can be found at


One issue is that the model uses the minimum of T_cline and the smallest water depth in the grid to determine the region of high resolution near the surface. However, when the minimum depth is calculated, it includes depths inside the land mask! This is probably a bug, and I will try to send a bug report in on it soon, as soon as find the code and fix it. (bug reports without working code are just whineing...)


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