Dear all,
I had to change from gfortran to g95 (please don't ask me why) and after recompilling all netcdf stuff (e.g. hdf5 zlib, etc) I got the following error:
cd /Users/Shared/ROMS/PROJECTS/BG/Build; /opt/local/bin/g95 -c -fno-second-underscore -g -fbounds-check -ftrace=full set_avg.f90
In file set_avg.f90:140
& GRID(ng) % pmask, &
Error: Syntax error in argument list at (1)
make: *** [/Users/Shared/ROMS/PROJECTS/BG/Build/set_avg.o] Error 1
I first thought it could be a free format error and then I add the -free-format option to but it didn't work. Could anybody help me?
Thank you very much