ROMS installation BUG?!

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ROMS installation BUG?!

#1 Unread post by zhzsh3985zq »

not quite sure whether its bug!
i have two versions in my machine,GUN gfortran 4.1 and gfortan4.4
i switch these two versions throuth hard link like ln gcc44 gcc
it works through at version4.1 but fails at version4.4
but when i change the cpp44 to cpp4.1,everything is OK!
when cpp4.4 is working, errors coming
Compilers/make_macros.h:25: error: expected ?.?. ?.?. ?.?. ?.sm?.or ?._attribute__?.before ?.?.token

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Re: ROMS installation BUG?!

#2 Unread post by zhzsh3985zq »

in fact cpp compilers is alao link to gcc4.4.
is that means that make_marco.h can not be compiled by GUN fortran4.4??

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Re: ROMS installation BUG?!

#3 Unread post by zhzsh3985zq »

I always try to find where the error happened.
I found that all errors in the
#ifdef ADJOINT
USE_ADJOINT := ################################ERROR!!!

and in cppdefs.h
#if defined ROMS_HEADER
#include ROMS_HEADER
CPPDEFS - Choose an appropriate ROMS application.####################ERROR!!
it seems that the cpp44 compiler DOES NOT recognize this parameters!!!!

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Re: ROMS installation BUG?!

#4 Unread post by kate »

The error from cppdefs.h means that you have not completely set things up correctly. I'm surprised you'd get anything good from any version of any compiler with it. The error says to choose a ROMS application - you need to do so.

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