After learning ROMS for several months, I'm really confused about the so called 'add tidal forcing.
Q1: I have run a model with OBCs, which the OBC data are getted from some global ocean model such as HYCOM. There's no tidal forcing here. The result is good. If I want to simulate sediment transport, it's better to add tide here, right? The tidal forcing can be added as what is said by wikiROMS. But how to change the *.h file? I mean the tidal part. What I did is as follows:
*.h file:
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#define SSH_TIDES
#define UV_TIDES
#ifdef SSH_TIDES
#define ADD_FSOBC
#ifdef UV_TIDES
#define ADD_M2OBC
The model still can run, but the results are really different.
Is what I did right? Should I define ADD_FSOBC and ADD_UVOBC or not?
Shoul I still give the boundary file used in the no tide simulation or not?
Q2: I saw the latte_c case in . In the latte case, the obc is given by tide. I mean there is no BRYNAME file in *.in file.
If the *.h defined as follows, there is no need for BRYNAME file.
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#define ANA_FSOBC
#define ANA_M2OBC
#define SSH_TIDES /* read tidal SSH from file */
#define UV_TIDES /* read tidal U and V from file */
#ifdef SSH_TIDES
# define ADD_FSOBC
#ifdef UV_TIDES
# undef FSOBC_REDUCED /* boundary pg is calculated using bounday zeta */
# define ADD_M2OBC
Q3: How to check the tidal right or not? I mean how to put out tidal information such as amplitude. I didn't find any settings about this.
I'm really confused about this. I hope some experts can sovle the probleom for me.
Thancks a lot~