using POP fields as input

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using POP fields as input

#1 Unread post by turuncu »


I want to use POP output as IC/BC for ROMS but i couldn't find any information about that. Is there any way to use it? Any suggestion will be helpful.



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Re: using POP fields as input

#2 Unread post by kate »

Enrique Curchitser has matlab scripts for reading SODA files and using them for ROMS IC/BC. SODA is a global hindcast using POP with data assimilation.

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Re: using POP fields as input

#3 Unread post by turuncu »

I mean that, i want to use specific CCSM3 SRES scenario data such as 20C (b30.30e) and i need to use POP output that belongs to that CCSM output. Is it possible?

I also check the SODA page (i think that and i found the base article about that but there is no information about POP. Is this link correct?


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Re: using POP fields as input

#4 Unread post by kate »

Yes, that is the link for SODA-POP. Sometimes in the business you get to be a pioneer and try things before anyone else... You would need to find out if both runs were done using the same POP grid, or find out of the scrips are general enough to handle any grid.

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