I met a problem when I tried to use the "restart" function of ROMS3.0. I hope my data could append to the existing "HIS" and "DIA" file. But it never happens, I have set NRREC > 0 and LDEFOUT = F.
Here is a detail:
My time step was by minutes, and I wrote the records to "HIS" and "DIA" file by day. For each file, it contains 25 records.
I hope I can do an Exact Restart, so I set
LcycleRST == T
NRST == 1
For keeping only the last two records in the restart file,
The Output history, average, diagnostic files parameters are:
NHIS == 1440
NDEFHIS == 36000
NAVG == 14400
NDEFAVG == 36000
NDIA == 1440
NDEFDIA == 36000
RSTNAME == myrst.nc
I what the model run for the whole year, so I set
NTIMES = 525600
After the model run 3 month on the cluster, the program stopped because limited time and space for each user. The his(dia)_0001.nc his(dia)_0002.nc his(dia)_0003.nc files and rst.nc file produced. I remove the *0001.nc and *0002.nc. The *0003.nc has only 20 records. I restart my running. However, the data could not append to the existing *0003.nc file but start from a new one. I thought this may be because of the removal of *0001.nc *0002.nc files. So, I run the model again then restart. But the new produced file still not appending but covering the original *0001.nc and *0002.nc files!
I think I have made the correct setting (LDEFOUT = F, NRREC = 2) for the appending, is there anyone met the same problem? Please help me out, thanks so much!
Restart-Data do not append to existing file
- Posts: 24
- Joined: Fri Aug 29, 2008 4:13 am
- Location: Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences
Re: Restart-Data do not append to existing file
In my opinion, this has been buggy for years. It's easier just to move the old files to storage and let it make new ones (LDEFOUT = T). I rewrote it at one point and Hernan sort of put it into the distribution ROMS, but it hasn't been through a regression test ensuring that it does the right thing in all cases. That would be a test I would ask for in the test framework that's being developed at USGS.
- Posts: 24
- Joined: Fri Aug 29, 2008 4:13 am
- Location: Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences
Re: Restart-Data do not append to existing file
Thanks a lot for the soon reply. I'll just move and change the name right now.