Dear all,
Can anyone recommend a higher spatial/temporal resoultion lateral boundary condition which shows better agreement with observations?
Spatial and temporal resolutions of ECCO are good.
But SSH of ECCO didn't seem to show good agreement with satellite altimeter observations.
Could anyone please give me some suggestions about that?
Thank you very much!
fakoi, Taiwan
Lateral BCs favorable for high resoultion simulation
Re: Lateral BCs favorable for high resoultion simulation
I recently did a similar evaluation for both ECCO2 (1/4 deg @ 1 day) and SODA analysis (1/4 deg @ 5 days) for the Mid Atlantic Bight (North east coast of US). When compared with observed SST and SSH both reanalysis simulate adequately the seasonal cycle but don’t do so well in the mesoscale. I was really surprise because satellite data is one of the main data streams in these products. I have the impression they are equally good in the sense they are at least not biased, which I think is not true for HYCOM. These are global analyses, but depending on your area you might find a better regional analysis. A good starting point could be the CLIVAR Ocean Synthesis Directory:
Good luck!
Good luck!
Re: Lateral BCs favorable for high resoultion simulation
Thank you very much for your helpful suggestion.
Yes, i also compared the SHH & SST derived from SODA and satellte observation and found that there is a significant difference existing between model and observed data.
I am looking for a better performance of lateral boundary conditions in the northwest Pacific,
if anyone knows someone better, please let me know.
Yes, i also compared the SHH & SST derived from SODA and satellte observation and found that there is a significant difference existing between model and observed data.
I am looking for a better performance of lateral boundary conditions in the northwest Pacific,
if anyone knows someone better, please let me know.