forcing variables

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forcing variables

#1 Unread post by francis »

hi all,

I am having net longwave radiation and net shortwave radiation during clear sky conditions, so how can I give to ROMS or how to apply cloud correction to that (I am also having total cloud amount). One more is that does ROMS will take specifice humidity or we have to convert it to relative humidity, if so how to convert it?
Please clarify these doubts.

With regards,

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Re: forcing variables

#2 Unread post by kate »

You are using the BULK_FLUXES option? Some of us dislike how it picks between the humidity inputs. There should be a cppdef for specific vs. relative humidity and you just tell ROMS which you have. ROMS wants specific humidity and it can convert from relative humidity if it needs to.

You should be able to turn off the cloud corrections if you don't define CLOUDS.

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Re: forcing variables

#3 Unread post by francis »

Thanks Kate.
Ya, I am using BULK_FLUXES option.
Actually traced out how to give specific humidity, if the is value is greater than 2 then it will take as specific humidity (g/kg) and convert it into kg/kg (coded in bulk_fluxes.F).
But I didn't understand ur second answer. Actually I want to force the model with net longwave and net shortwave fluxes with cloud correction taken.


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Re: forcing variables

#4 Unread post by kate »

So you want ROMS to provide the cloud correction to your radiation inputs? You will probably have to see what is being done already and modify it for your case. Note that the outgoing longwave radiation is a function of the surface temperature so if you provide it from the atmospheric forcing, it will be off when your surface temperature differs from that used in computing it. I am currently running with externally provided downward longwave and internally computed upward longwave.

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