Dear All,
We are excited to announce a job opening for a Scientist II / III position in the Oceanography Section (OS) of the Climate and Global Dynamics (CGD) Laboratory at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR).
The hiring level will depend on experience and qualifications. Both positions will conduct original, independent, and collaborative research through a combination of theory, modeling across scales, and observations. The successful candidate will further CGD and NCAR missions to discover key processes of the ocean, their interactions, and their role in the Earth system. They will also lead activities addressing the fundamental processes within the CGD OS, utilizing a hierarchy of models including Earth system models, process models, simple models, and large eddy simulation. The successful candidate will also lead and/or participate in the development of the ocean component of the Community Earth System Model (CESM), Modular Ocean Model version 6 (MOM6), including both resolved scale dynamics (dynamical core) and subgrid-scale processes (parameterizations) for a range of model resolutions and target applications. The position contributes to the larger CESM modeling activity through leadership within and collaborative research with the CESM Ocean Model Working Group (OMWG) community. The Scientist will collaborate with complimentary ocean and climate model development efforts at other national labs and universities and through coordinated model development activities such as Climate Process Teams.
Although broad research priorities will be determined in consultation with scientific staff working within CGD, the candidate is expected to operate with a high degree of independence, leading long-term projects in collaboration with other scientists at NCAR and other research partners and applies leadership skills to establishing the overall research strategy of CGD, CESM, and NCAR.
The position will be posted until filled with priority given to applications received by 31 January 2024. Please see ... 2023-396-1
for more information. Please pass this announcement onto others who may be interested in applying.
Gokhan Danabasoglu
Senior Scientist and OS Head