If I understand the foundations [1] correctly (which I may not as I'm just starting), the observation error covariances should describe the spread around the "true" circulation, and "true" in this context does not mean the observed instantaneous state, but the time-averaged state as potentially computable from a model of 30km resolution (or not?).While 30 km resolution is inadequate for capturing much of the energetic meso-scale circulation associated with the CCS, WC13 captures the broad scale features of the circulation quite well...
The observation error covariances in wc13_obs.nc for SSH are 0.004 m^2, which corresponds to 2cm error as assumed in d_ssh_obs.m. Aren't these instrument errors? In the for Sea Level TAC DUACS Products [2] it says
Aren't these altimetry products designed to capture higher detail than what could be resolved by a 30km model, i.e. the "energetic meso-scale circulation" that is not resolved by WC13? If so, shouldn't the observation error covariances higher to reflect this?Sea level Errors for mesoscales vary between 1 cm^2 in low variability areas to more than ~18 cm^2 in high variability areas. This estimation is based on a 4-satellite constellation in DT conditions.
[1] Wikle, C.K. and L.M. Berliner, 2007: A Bayesian tutorial for data
assimilation. Physica D, 230, 1-16.
[2] http://marine.copernicus.eu/documents/Q ... 32-068.pdf