Forcing file

Information about ongoing ROMS/TOMS applications

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Forcing file

#1 Unread post by javadi »

Hi users
I made my grid file for my region. Then I made forcing using d_ecmwf2roms. Now I have witnessed gom_cloud_era, gom_lwrad_era, gom_shflux_era ,…..files. My question is that what is the next step to make forcing file for Roms?
Can Roms accept gom files as these files are based on long and lat? Should we use another step to put gom files based on the grid files? If this is true, which MATLAB manuscript will be used.
Please help me with your interesting comments

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Re: Forcing file

#2 Unread post by kate »

Once the forcing is on a regular lat, lon grid, ROMS should be able to interpolate correctly internally. Just make sure your winds are east (u) and north (v) and let ROMS rotate to its grid.

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