I recently switched to the COAWST because I want to run both ice and sediments in an Arctic domain but couldn't solve some inconsistencies in the Kate branch code... Howver, now I am unable to solve this compiling error which seems top be about some ice routines:
Code: Select all
/scratch/b/b380636/Arctic20km/obcatmforceriversinisedbulkice/Build/libNLM.a(main3d.o): In function `main3d':
/mnt/lustre01/scratch/b/b380636/Arctic20km/obcatmforceriversinisedbulkice/Build/main3d.f90:206: undefined reference to `ice_flux_mod_mp_ice_flux_rst_'
/mnt/lustre01/scratch/b/b380636/Arctic20km/obcatmforceriversinisedbulkice/Build/main3d.f90:210: undefined reference to `seaice_'
/scratch/b/b380636/Arctic20km/obcatmforceriversinisedbulkice/Build/libNLM.a(ini_fields.o): In function `ini_fields_tile':
/mnt/lustre01/scratch/b/b380636/Arctic20km/obcatmforceriversinisedbulkice/Build/ini_fields.f90:526: undefined reference to `ice_limit_mod_mp_ice_limit_'
make: *** [/scratch/b/b380636/Arctic20km/obcatmforceriversinisedbulkice/coawstG] Error 1
Code: Select all
IF (PerfectRST(1).and.iic(1).eq.ntstart(1)) THEN
DO ig=1,GridsInLayer(nl)
DO tile=first_tile(ng),last_tile(ng),+1
CALL ice_flux_rst(ng, tile)
CALL seaice
is this rather a compiler flag problem or is there something inconsistent in the routine wiring?
I tried to solve this the entire day but I just couldn't find the reason.
Any hint will be appreciated very much!
By the way, I also had to fix something in ice_mk.h. The call for caldate doesn't need r_date as an input and caused an error since r_date is not defined at all. I guess this hasn't been fixed after the dateclock changes... So my line 469 looks like this now:
Code: Select all
CALL caldate(tdays(ng),year,month,yday,hour)
Code: Select all
#if defined ADJUST_BOUNDARY || defined ICE_MODEL
real(r8) :: XYsize