Hello Forum,
I am trying a restart of a COAWST compilation with a nested grid in ROMS. The job ran for approximately 7200 timesteps before bombing. For my restart, I set NRREC to -1, and put my two restart files as the initial condition files. Also I renamed these files so that they would not be overwritten. I reduced NHIS to see if I could find the reason for the job bombing as it was not apparent from examining the history files. I get error messages from the refined (nested) grid like:
LBC_GETATT - inconsistent western lateral boundary condition for variable: mud_01
restart file LBC keyword = Nes
but assigned structure switch: S(1, 8,2)%nested = F
check input script LBC keyword for consitency ...
restart file: /projects/dafu8991/COAWST/CALUSNEST2/calusa_rst_ref_bkup.nc
I get a similar message for each boundary and for a sand_01 variable that was also included. To which structure switch is the message referring? I looked in both my sediment.in and ocean.in but could not find a relevant switch. Also, why would it run for so long on the original run, but bomb right away with the restart if no other settings were changed? I searched the forum but could not find a similar error message.
restart error with nested grid
Re: restart error with nested grid
the mud and sand LBC's are in the sediment.in file, such as for Projects/Inlet_test/Refined
LBC(isTvar) == Gra Clo Gra Gra \ ! idsed(:), compact
Nes Nes Nes Nes
Yours would be different on the first line, but the 2nd line should be Nes.
LBC(isTvar) == Gra Clo Gra Gra \ ! idsed(:), compact
Nes Nes Nes Nes
Yours would be different on the first line, but the 2nd line should be Nes.
Re: restart error with nested grid
yes, they are set as follows in the sediment.in file
LBC(isTvar) == Gra Gra Clo Gra ! idsed(:), compact
Nes Nes Nes Nes
LBC(isTvar) == Gra Gra Clo Gra ! idsed(:), compact
Nes Nes Nes Nes
Re: restart error with nested grid
notice the "\"
Re: restart error with nested grid
Yes that was it Wonder why it did not bomb right away in the original run?