Lateral nudging and nudging to climatology

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Lateral nudging and nudging to climatology

#1 Unread post by isoares »

Dear all,
I am a little confused about nudging. I am sure this subject has already been discussed in the forum but I just can’t find a post that addresses the parameters that control lateral nudging and the ones that control nudging to climatology.

I am using ROMS version 839, which I have updated on 2017-03-04. In this version we can choose to use or not the lateral nudging by setting the Logical switches (T/F) to turn on/off lateral nudging.

Well, I am choosing to use the nudging on M3 and T.

LnudgeM2CLM == F
LnudgeM3CLM == T
LnudgeTCLM == T T

and then, there is the nudging to climatology, which we choose to use or not by setting the appropriate
Logical switches (TRUE/FALSE) and I have decided to use this nudging on m3 and tracers:

LsshCLM == F
Lm2CLM == F
Lm3CLM == T
LtracerCLM == T T
Now comes the questions:

Which nudging, lateral or climatological, uses the values that I set for TNUDG, ZNUDG, M2NUDG, M3NUDG and OBCFAC ?

I am assuming that, if I don’t use the nudging to climatology (use F for LsshCLM, Lm2CLM, Lm3CLM and LtracerCLM) the open boundary conditions will use the values that I set for TNUDG, ZNUDG, M2NUDG and M3NUDG + OBCFAC, considering the logical switches LnudgeM2CLM, LnudgeM3CLM and LnudgeTCLM, to compute the ‘in’ and ‘out’ values obc-in and obc-out in subroutine t3dbc_im.f90

However, If I choose to use the nudging to climatology, these parameters (TNUDG, ZNUDG, M2NUDG and M3NUDG), WILL NOT be used. Instead, the code will use the values that I set for M2_NudgeCoef, M3_NudgeCoef, temp_NudgeCoef and salt_NudgeCoef in a netcdf file that I will prepare, or will use the values that are set by the code if I use ANA_NUDGCOEF in my *.h file.

Am I correct to assume that ?

If anyone has comments that will enlight my doubts, they will be wellcome :) .

Thanks in advance.

Ivan Dias Soares
Senior Research Scientist
Atlantech Environmental Sciences
Florianopolis, SC, BRAZIL

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Re: Lateral nudging and nudging to climatology

#2 Unread post by kate »

This was discussed just days ago right here.

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Re: Lateral nudging and nudging to climatology

#3 Unread post by isoares »

Thanks Kate. I missed this previous discussion.


Ivan :D
Ivan Dias Soares
Senior Research Scientist
Atlantech Environmental Sciences
Florianopolis, SC, BRAZIL

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