ROMS3.0 compile error on SGI-Irix6.5 system.

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ROMS3.0 compile error on SGI-Irix6.5 system.

#1 Unread post by hslim »

I need some help to install ROMS3.0 on SGI machine using Irix system(with irix6.5, f90, make3.81).

Actually I had used ROMS2.2 on the same machine but I failed to compile ROMS3.0 because the makefile didn't work properly.

So, now I use ROMS3.0 on Linux system(with Redhat ws3.0, pgf90, make3.81) but I would like to install ROMS3.O on the SGI machine. During the installation of ROMS3.0, the Compiler has detected errors in some modules. Like below error massages, the makefile on SGI didn't properly compile programs.


--- SGI350(irix6.5) with f90 : fail to compile ---
/usr/lib32/cmplrs/cpp -P -I/vossraid1/vossusr/hslim/netcdf/include -DMPI -DIRIX64 -DIP35 -DF90 -D'ROOT_DIR="/vossraid1/vossusr/hslim/roms/roms3.0/msl-dry-200x220-mxd1m_2"' -DKGBAY -D'HEADER="kgbay.h"' -D'ROMS_HEADER="kgbay.h"' -DNestedGrids=1 -D'ANALYTICAL_DIR="/vossraid1/vossusr/hslim/roms/roms3.0/msl-dry-200x220-mxd1m_2/ROMS/Functionals"' -D'SVN_REV="exported"' -IROMS/Include -IROMS/Adjoint -IROMS/Nonlinear -IROMS/Representer -IROMS/Tangent -IROMS/SeaIce -IROMS/Utility -IROMS/Drivers -IROMS/Functionals -IMaster -D'HEADER_DIR="./ROMS/Include"' ROMS/Adjoint/ad_bc_2d.F > Build/ad_bc_2d.f90
ROMS/Bin/cpp_clean Build/ad_bc_2d.f90
cd Build; f90 -c -mips4 -u -TENV:X=3 -64 -LANG:recursive=on -O3 -OPT:Olimit=4038 ad_bc_2d.f90
/usr/lib32/cmplrs/cpp -P -I/vossraid1/vossusr/hslim/netcdf/include -DMPI -DIRIX64 -DIP35 -DF90 -D'ROOT_DIR="/vossraid1/vossusr/hslim/roms/roms3.0/msl-dry-200x220-mxd1m_2"' -DKGBAY -D'HEADER="kgbay.h"' -D'ROMS_HEADER="kgbay.h"' -DNestedGrids=1 -D'ANALYTICAL_DIR="/vossraid1/vossusr/hslim/roms/roms3.0/msl-dry-200x220-mxd1m_2/ROMS/Functionals"' -D'SVN_REV="exported"' -IROMS/Include -IROMS/Adjoint -IROMS/Nonlinear -IROMS/Representer -IROMS/Tangent -IROMS/SeaIce -IROMS/Utility -IROMS/Drivers -IROMS/Functionals -IMaster -D'HEADER_DIR="./ROMS/Include"' ROMS/Adjoint/ad_bc_3d.F > Build/ad_bc_3d.f90
ROMS/Bin/cpp_clean Build/ad_bc_3d.f90
cd Build; f90 -c -mips4 -u -TENV:X=3 -64 -LANG:recursive=on -O3 -OPT:Olimit=4038 ad_bc_3d.f90
/usr/lib32/cmplrs/cpp -P -I/vossraid1/vossusr/hslim/netcdf/include -DMPI -DIRIX64 -DIP35 -DF90 -D'ROOT_DIR="/vossraid1/vossusr/hslim/roms/roms3.0/msl-dry-200x220-mxd1m_2"' -DKGBAY -D'HEADER="kgbay.h"' -D'ROMS_HEADER="kgbay.h"' -DNestedGrids=1 -D'ANALYTICAL_DIR="/vossraid1/vossusr/hslim/roms/roms3.0/msl-dry-200x220-mxd1m_2/ROMS/Functionals"' -D'SVN_REV="exported"' -IROMS/Include -IROMS/Adjoint -IROMS/Nonlinear -IROMS/Representer -IROMS/Tangent -IROMS/SeaIce -IROMS/Utility -IROMS/Drivers -IROMS/Functionals -IMaster -D'HEADER_DIR="./ROMS/Include"' ROMS/Adjoint/ad_biology.F > Build/ad_biology.f90
ROMS/Bin/cpp_clean Build/ad_biology.f90
cd Build; f90 -c -mips4 -u -TENV:X=3 -64 -LANG:recursive=on -O3 -OPT:Olimit=4038 ad_biology.f90
/usr/lib32/cmplrs/cpp -P -I/vossraid1/vossusr/hslim/netcdf/include -DMPI -DIRIX64 -DIP35 -DF90 -D'ROOT_DIR="/vossraid1/vossusr/hslim/roms/roms3.0/msl-dry-200x220-mxd1m_2"' -DKGBAY -D'HEADER="kgbay.h"' -D'ROMS_HEADER="kgbay.h"' -DNestedGrids=1 -D'ANALYTICAL_DIR="/vossraid1/vossusr/hslim/roms/roms3.0/msl-dry-200x220-mxd1m_2/ROMS/Functionals"' -D'SVN_REV="exported"' -IROMS/Include -IROMS/Adjoint -IROMS/Nonlinear -IROMS/Representer -IROMS/Tangent -IROMS/SeaIce -IROMS/Utility -IROMS/Drivers -IROMS/Functionals -IMaster -D'HEADER_DIR="./ROMS/Include"' ROMS/Adjoint/ad_bulk_flux.F > Build/ad_bulk_flux.f90
ROMS/Bin/cpp_clean Build/ad_bulk_flux.f90


ROMS/Bin/cpp_clean Build/bc_2d.f90
cd Build; f90 -c -mips4 -u -TENV:X=3 -n32 -LANG:recursive=on -g -C bc_2d.f90
MODULE bc_2d_mod
f90-855 f90: ERROR BC_2D_MOD, File = bc_2d.f90, Line = 1, Column = 14
The compiler has detected errors in module "BC_2D_MOD". No module information file will be created for this module.
USE mod_param

f90-292 f90: ERROR BC_R2D_TILE, File = bc_2d.f90, Line = 30, Column = 11
"MOD_PARAM" is specified as the module name on a USE statement, but the compiler cannot find it.
real(r8), intent(inout) :: A(LBi:,LBj:)
f90-868 f90: ERROR BC_R2D_TILE, File = bc_2d.f90, Line = 36, Column = 12
"R8" is used in a constant expression, therefore it must be a constant.
IF (Iend.eq.Lm(ng)) THEN
f90-233 f90: ERROR BC_R2D_TILE, File = bc_2d.f90, Line = 55, Column = 19
IMPLICIT NONE is specified in the host scope, therefore an explicit type must be specified for function "LM".

--- Linux(redhat ws3.0) with pgif90 : successfully compiled ---
/usr/lib32/cmplrs/cpp -P -DSGI -I/usr/local/include -D_OPENMP -DIRIX64 -DIP35 -DF90 -IInclude -INonlinear -IDrivers -ISeaIce Nonlinear/analytical.F > analytical.f90
Bin/cpp_clean analytical.f90
/usr/lib32/cmplrs/cpp -P -DSGI -I/usr/local/include -D_OPENMP -DIRIX64 -DIP35 -DF90 -IInclude -INonlinear -IDrivers -ISeaIce Nonlinear/exchange_2d.F > exchange_2d.f90
Bin/cpp_clean exchange_2d.f90
/usr/lib32/cmplrs/cpp -P -DSGI -I/usr/local/include -D_OPENMP -DIRIX64 -DIP35 -DF90 -IInclude -INonlinear -IDrivers -ISeaIce Modules/mod_param.F > mod_param.f90
Bin/cpp_clean mod_param.f90
/usr/lib32/cmplrs/cpp -P -DSGI -I/usr/local/include -D_OPENMP -DIRIX64 -DIP35 -DF90 -IInclude -INonlinear -IDrivers -ISeaIce Modules/mod_kinds.F > mod_kinds.f90
Bin/cpp_clean mod_kinds.f90
f90 -c -mips4 -u -TENV:X=3 -n32 -mp -MP:open_mp=ON -O3 -OPT:Olimit=4038 mod_kinds.f90
f90 -c -mips4 -u -TENV:X=3 -n32 -mp -MP:open_mp=ON -O3 -OPT:Olimit=4038 mod_param.f90
f90 -c -mips4 -u -TENV:X=3 -n32 -mp -MP:open_mp=ON -O3 -OPT:Olimit=4038 exchange_2d.f90
/usr/lib32/cmplrs/cpp -P -DSGI -I/usr/local/include -D_OPENMP -DIRIX64 -DIP35 -DF90 -IInclude -INonlinear -IDrivers -ISeaIce Nonlinear/exchange_3d.F > exchange_3d.f90
Bin/cpp_clean exchange_3d.f90
f90 -c -mips4 -u -TENV:X=3 -n32 -mp -MP:open_mp=ON -O3 -OPT:Olimit=4038 exchange_3d.f90
/usr/lib32/cmplrs/cpp -P -DSGI -I/usr/local/include -D_OPENMP -DIRIX64 -DIP35 -DF90 -IInclude -INonlinear -IDrivers -ISeaIce Modules/mod_biology.F > mod_biology.f90
Bin/cpp_clean mod_biology.f90

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#2 Unread post by kate »

It has to build things in the right order. As you can see, it builds mod_kinds and mod_param fairly early on Linux. It knows to do that through the makefile dependencies in MakeDepend. Something went wrong in the building of that on the SGI. Do you have Perl installed? Do you have the errors from "make depend"?


#3 Unread post by hslim »

Thank you for your help

After I installed new version of Perl (v5.8.8 ) on SGI, the makefile builds module files properly. The exist version of Perl I used was 5.004 for irix_n32 it just works until version of ROMS2.2.

I downloaded the stable release of Perl (v5.8.8 ) from

Thanks again

Hak-Soo Lim

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