We are interested in the evolution of Earth surface environments through geologic time, and in particular, the evolution of atmospheric and ocean chemistry, and how these are coupled. We will advertise a PhD position focused on using high-resolution ocean biogeochemical modeling platforms (like the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) or the MITgcm) to explore how ocean chemistry might have changed in response to different levels of atmospheric oxygen and different states of ecological evolution. This PhD will be required to have a strong interest in the biogeochemical cycles of elements and Earth evolution, a good background in chemistry and math, and an ability to apply and enhance ocean models.
The PhD position is fully funded by the Villum Foundation. The PhD will be part of the Nordcee group (http://www.nordcee.dk/) at the University of Southern Denmark and at the University of Copenhagen. We anticipate that the PhD will spend most of the time in Copenhagen at the Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management. The PhD is anticipated to begin Fall 2018/Spring 2019. If you are interested or would like more information contact Professor MSO Christian Bjerrum (cjb@ign.ku.dk) or Professor Don Canfield (Dec@biology.sdu.dk)
Keywords: Modelling ocean biogeochemistry ecosystem evolution Proterozoic Paleozoic contemporary