I have run 2 identical ROMS runs named ROMS_13 and ROMS_13a but the results are different!
and these are the specifications:
compiled with NetCDF3
NHIS=2880 in ocean.in
export USE_NETCDF4=on in build.bash
export NC_CONFIG=nf-config in build.bash
NHIS=360 in ocean.in
Otherwise, everything is identical, i.e. same inputfiles, same parameters in ocean.in.
The motivation for ROMS_13a was just to repeat an old model run of last year but with a higher output frequency.
Both runs were started with mpirun -np 12 ./oceanM ocean.in > log 2>&1 &
Both runs integrate for NTIMES == 40320 time steps.
By the way, I am still running ROMS/TOMS version 3.6 !
Has anybody else the same experience?