unable to locate a time variable in netCDF inputs

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unable to locate a time variable in netCDF inputs

#1 Unread post by sonaljit.m »


I'm facing a small problem; its probably a simple one but I couldn't get it sorted out.

My initialization netCDF file looks like this:

dimensions(sizes): s_rho(32), xi_rho(424), eta_rho(324), xi_u(423), eta_u(324), xi_v(424), eta_v(323), init_time(1), ocean_time(3)
variables(dimensions): float64 init_time(init_time), float64 ocean_time(ocean_time), float64 temp(init_time,s_rho,eta_rho,xi_rho), float64 salt(init_time,s_rho,eta_rho,xi_rho), float64 u(init_time,s_rho,eta_,xi_), float64 v(init_time,s_rho,eta_v,xi_v), float64 ubar(init_time,eta_,xi_), float64 vbar(init_time,eta_v,xi_v), float64 zeta(init_time,eta_rho,xi_rho)

I've prescribed two time variables (init_time(init_time) and ocean_time(ocean_time)). The initial velocities, temp, salt, and zeta are initialized using init_time.

The boundary netCDF file looks like this:

dimensions(sizes): s_rho(32), xi_rho(424), eta_rho(324), xi_u(423), eta_u(324), xi_v(424), eta_v(323), bry_time(3)
variables(dimensions): float64 bry_time(bry_time), float64 zeta_north(bry_time,xi_rho), float64 zeta_south(bry_time,xi_rho), float64 zeta_east(bry_time,eta_rho), float64 zeta_west(bry_time,eta_rho), float64 u_north(bry_time,s_rho,xi_), float64 ubar_north(bry_time,xi_), float64 u_south(bry_time,s_rho,xi_), float64 ubar_south(bry_time,xi_), float64 u_east(bry_time,s_rho,eta_), float64 ubar_east(bry_time,eta_), float64 u_west(bry_time,s_rho,eta_), float64 ubar_west(bry_time,eta_), float64 temp_north(bry_time,s_rho,xi_rho), float64 temp_south(bry_time,s_rho,xi_rho), float64 temp_east(bry_time,s_rho,eta_rho), float64 temp_west(bry_time,s_rho,eta_rho), float64 salt_north(bry_time,s_rho,xi_rho), float64 salt_south(bry_time,s_rho,xi_rho), float64 salt_east(bry_time,s_rho,eta_rho), float64 salt_west(bry_time,s_rho,eta_rho)

I have prescribed a dimension bry_time for all the boundary quantities.

On running the code I get this error:
unable to find requested variable: v3d_time
in file:

So, I then add an extra variable float64 v3d_time(v3d_time) into the boundary netcdf file, and run it again. It still gives the same error.

Any idea how to fix this? I was referring to another thread that discussed a similar problem (with zeta_time). However that wasn't much help to me.


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Re: unable to locate a time variable in netCDF inputs

#2 Unread post by kate »

It is better to use time attributes. For instance:

Code: Select all

	double aice_north(ocean_time, xi_rho) ;
		aice_north:_FillValue = 9.99999993381581e+36 ;
		aice_north:long_name = "aice Northern boundary condition" ;
		aice_north:time = "ocean_time" ;
		aice_north:coordinates = "None" ;
		aice_north:field = "ice concentration, scalar, series" ;
This has the "time" attribute pointing to ocean_time. Otherwise, you need to set the varinfo.dat file to have the time you are using for that variable:

Code: Select all

  'ice concentration northern boundary condition'
  ' '  
  'aice_north, scalar, series'
Here, my varinfo.dat has bry_time, but I'm using something else. Since I'm using the time attribute, it all works fine and I don't have to change the varinfo.dat. With the change to the climatology no longer being in the varinfo.dat, you have to set the time attribute correctly for the climatology fields.

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