I know there are very few ROMS modellers using IDL out there, but those who are might be interested in my IDL-ROMS package, which is now hosted on GitHub along with my IDL-Motley package, which it requires:
IDL-ROMS does all the usual things. It pulls slices, time series and subsets out of ROMS grid, history and station files. It produces graphs, etc. The two things I am most proud of are:
NetCDF file objects that can wrap a single netDCF file or a sequence of files. Thus you can treat a ROMS history file sequence as if it were a single file. A lot like what ncrcat does, but you don't have to join the files.
Animation objects that wrap a series of graphs (it can handle several thousand without any trouble) and can be used for interactive examination of the graphs (zoom, pick values, etc) or to generate an AVI file for later playback.
IDL-ROMS currently has 113 routines, and there is a comparable number still in my private IDL code base that I intend to clean up and move into IDL-ROMS as I can. In part, I am publishing IDL-ROMS because I am getting a bit lonely as one of the few ROMS IDL users in the world and thinking of moving to Python (or maybe, very reluctantly, to Matlab). I want to get some of the concepts out there and then look at applying them in other languages.
Thanks for sharing this! I'm very interested about this IDL tool. However, I cannot handle with it. Would you send me a manual about your IDL-ROMS pakages?
m.hadfield wrote:I know there are very few ROMS modellers using IDL out there, but those who are might be interested in my IDL-ROMS package, which is now hosted on GitHub along with my IDL-Motley package, which it requires:
IDL-ROMS does all the usual things. It pulls slices, time series and subsets out of ROMS grid, history and station files. It produces graphs, etc. The two things I am most proud of are:
NetCDF file objects that can wrap a single netDCF file or a sequence of files. Thus you can treat a ROMS history file sequence as if it were a single file. A lot like what ncrcat does, but you don't have to join the files.
Animation objects that wrap a series of graphs (it can handle several thousand without any trouble) and can be used for interactive examination of the graphs (zoom, pick values, etc) or to generate an AVI file for later playback.
IDL-ROMS currently has 113 routines, and there is a comparable number still in my private IDL code base that I intend to clean up and move into IDL-ROMS as I can. In part, I am publishing IDL-ROMS because I am getting a bit lonely as one of the few ROMS IDL users in the world and thinking of moving to Python (or maybe, very reluctantly, to Matlab). I want to get some of the concepts out there and then look at applying them in other languages.
I'm afraid there is no manual. But I will add some extra documentation (installation, examples) to both the IDL-Motley and IDL-ROMS packages in the next few days and update the repository.
IDL-ROMS requires IDL-Motley. Have you managed to install IDL-Motley?
m.hadfield wrote:I'm afraid there is no manual. But I will add some extra documentation (installation, examples) to both the IDL-Motley and IDL-ROMS packages in the next few days and update the repository.
IDL-ROMS requires IDL-Motley. Have you managed to install IDL-Motley?