cannot read swan .in file, newest coawst code

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cannot read swan .in file, newest coawst code

#1 Unread post by donghua »

Hello, all

I've tried the latest version of COAWST code for a ROMS-SWAN coupling case.
When I switched to the newest code, the model suddenly could not read swan's input file. I got the message below:

Code: Select all

 Error reading initialisation file
 ** Severe error     : Error subr. INKEYW
 ** Error            : Illegal keyword:
PGFIO-F-214/formatted read/unit=0/READ not allowed for write-only file.
 File name = stderr     formatted, sequential access   record = 2
 In source file ocpcre.f90, at line number 1858
Any suggestions? Are there any change in SWAN causing this problem?

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Re: cannot read swan .in file, newest coawst code

#2 Unread post by jcwarner »

it says
"formatted read / unit=0 / READ not allowed for write-only file. File name = stderr "
so the file named "stderr" is not being allowed open for write.
That file is created by your operating system by PBS or Slurm or whatever. try to "rm stderr" and see if it works after that.

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