A problem about using BULK_FLUXES

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A problem about using BULK_FLUXES

#1 Unread post by Rocky_Wang »

Dear roms users,

I'm new user of ROMS model and I'm having some problems about the use of BULK_FLUXES. My CPPDEFS options are :

# define BULK_FLUXES
# define ANA_BTFLUX
# define ANA_BSFLUX
# define ATM_PRESS
# define EMINUSP

and I download data from ERA-interim to make my forcing files. My variables are:

lwrad_down % downward longwave radiation flux W/m2
swrad % downward shortwave radiation flux W/m2
rain % precipitation rate kg/m2/s
Tair % surface air temperature K
Pair % pressure at surface Pa
Qair % relative_humidity
Winds % surface u-wind m/s

I get these information by reading matlab scripts, if the these variables are right? The model can run successfully by these forcing files. I want to know I have defined EMINUSP in my .h file, why there is no need to make a forcing file that contain evaporation (kg m-2 s-1) data.

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Re: A problem about using BULK_FLUXES

#2 Unread post by kate »

The model computes evaporation from the latent heat flux.

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Re: A problem about using BULK_FLUXES

#3 Unread post by Rocky_Wang »

Thank you Kate! that is to say the latent heat flux is calculated by variables that I provided above, and there is also no need to creat a file that contain latent heat flux. Right?

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Re: A problem about using BULK_FLUXES

#4 Unread post by kate »


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