how to make forcing with Matlab scripting?

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how to make forcing with Matlab scripting?

#1 Unread post by safoora.seddigh »

Hello all,
I have prepared my netcdf file for surface(attached).
Unfortunately I am not familiar with Roms well yet, so I don't know how can I use my favorite scripting (Matlab script)?
Does anyone have experienced in Matlab scripting for preparing input Roms including forcing?
Would you help me for using Matlab script?
Is it d_core2_frc.m?
Do you know there is any kind of videos for learning to make forcing such as seagrid video or something like that?
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Re: how to make forcing with Matlab scripting?

#2 Unread post by fdaryabor »

Hi, Safoora,

If you looking for matlab code to make forcing file, pls refer to following link and register as user, then through download link you able to download ROMS_TOOLS package. You can find matlab cosde as "make_forcing.m".


Hope can help you and do not hesitate if any question,


Re: how to make forcing with Matlab scripting?

#3 Unread post by safoora.seddigh »

Hi Dear Fdaryabor,
Thanks for your reply.
I am trying for that and let you know.
Thanks a lot.

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