I have what I think is an odd problem.
I am simulating a simple planar shore. It goes from ~-8m deep to ~+2m and extends offshore ~1.8 km. I am simulating tides via ANA_FSOBC. (See below for my *.h file contents)
I have been having trouble getting meaningful results from my simulations, so to diagnose things, I started with a small grid (via Seagrid) on a portion of the domain and expanded it to see if there was something funny going on.
I have a 70x70 grid that I can get to run sorta. The odd thing is that when I halt the run by Ctrl+C, I get a good sinusodial signal at the boundary but when I allow it to run to completion, I get a flat signal with a large oscillation near the end of the simulation.
I'm very confused as to why when I break it, I get good results but when I allow it to stop I get something completely different.
Any suggestions as to what's going on and how to start de-bugging it?
My run info is:
Process Information:
Thread # 0 (pid= 0) is active.
Model Input Parameters: ROMS/TOMS version 3.0
Wednesday - April 30, 2008 - 2:56:08 PM
Slope only test case
Operating system : CYGWIN
CPU/hardware : i686
Compiler system : g95
Compiler command : g95
Compiler flags : -fno-second-underscore -O3 -ffast-math -ffree-form
SVN Root URL : https://www.myroms.org/svn/src/trunk
SVN Revision : 161M
Local Root : /ROMS
Header Dir : /ROMS/projects/estuary
Header file : estuary.h
Analytical Dir: /ROMS/projects/estuary/Functionals
Resolution, Grid 01: 0068x0068x005, Parallel Threads: 1, Tiling: 001x001
Physical Parameters, Grid: 01
2750 ntimes Number of timesteps for 3-D equations.
2.000 dt Timestep size (s) for 3-D equations.
20 ndtfast Number of timesteps for 2-D equations between
each 3D timestep.
1 ERstr Starting ensemble/perturbation run number.
1 ERend Ending ensemble/perturbation run number.
0 nrrec Number of restart records to read from disk.
T LcycleRST Switch to recycle time-records in restart file.
1200 nRST Number of timesteps between the writing of data
into restart fields.
1 ninfo Number of timesteps between print of information
to standard output.
T ldefout Switch to create a new output NetCDF file(s).
60 nHIS Number of timesteps between the writing fields
into history file.
1 ntsAVG Starting timestep for the accumulation of output
time-averaged data.
60 nAVG Number of timesteps between the writing of
time-averaged data into averages file.
1 ntsDIA Starting timestep for the accumulation of output
time-averaged diagnostics data.
60 nDIA Number of timesteps between the writing of
time-averaged data into diagnostics file.
0.0000E+00 visc2 Horizontal, harmonic mixing coefficient (m2/s)
for momentum.
5.0000E-06 Akt_bak(01) Background vertical mixing coefficient (m2/s)
for tracer 01: temp
5.0000E-06 Akt_bak(02) Background vertical mixing coefficient (m2/s)
for tracer 02: salt
5.0000E-06 Akv_bak Background vertical mixing coefficient (m2/s)
for momentum.
3.0000E-04 rdrg Linear bottom drag coefficient (m/s).
3.0000E-03 rdrg2 Quadratic bottom drag coefficient.
2.0000E-02 Zob Bottom roughness (m).
5.0000E-02 Dcrit Minimum depth for wetting and drying (m).
1.0000E+00 theta_s S-coordinate surface control parameter.
4.0000E-01 theta_b S-coordinate bottom control parameter.
50.000 Tcline S-coordinate surface/bottom layer width (m) used
in vertical coordinate stretching.
1025.000 rho0 Mean density (kg/m3) for Boussinesq approximation.
0.000 dstart Time-stamp assigned to model initialization (days).
0.00 time_ref Reference time for units attribute (yyyymmdd.dd)
0.0000E+00 Tnudg(01) Nudging/relaxation time scale (days)
for tracer 01: temp
0.0000E+00 Tnudg(02) Nudging/relaxation time scale (days)
for tracer 02: salt
0.0000E+00 Znudg Nudging/relaxation time scale (days)
for free-surface.
0.0000E+00 M2nudg Nudging/relaxation time scale (days)
for 2D momentum.
0.0000E+00 M3nudg Nudging/relaxation time scale (days)
for 3D momentum.
0.0000E+00 obcfac Factor between passive and active
open boundary conditions.
10.000 T0 Background potential temperature (C) constant.
34.000 S0 Background salinity (PSU) constant.
1027.000 R0 Background density (kg/m3) used in linear Equation
of State.
1.7000E-04 Tcoef Thermal expansion coefficient (1/Celsius).
7.6000E-04 Scoef Saline contraction coefficient (1/PSU).
1.000 gamma2 Slipperiness variable: free-slip (1.0) or
no-slip (-1.0).
T Hout(idFsur) Write out free-surface.
T Hout(idUbar) Write out 2D U-momentum component.
T Hout(idVbar) Write out 2D V-momentum component.
T Hout(idUvel) Write out 3D U-momentum component.
T Hout(idVvel) Write out 3D V-momentum component.
T Hout(idWvel) Write out W-momentum component.
T Hout(idOvel) Write out omega vertical velocity.
T Hout(idTvar) Write out tracer 01: temp
T Hout(idTvar) Write out tracer 02: salt
T Hout(idDano) Write out density anomaly.
T Hout(idVvis) Write out vertical viscosity coefficient.
T Hout(idTdif) Write out vertical T-diffusion coefficient.
T Hout(idSdif) Write out vertical S-diffusion coefficient.
Output/Input Files:
Output Restart File: ocean_rst.nc
Output History File: ocean_his.nc
Output Averages File: ocean_avg.nc
Output Diagnostics File: ocean_dia.nc
Input Grid File: data/Bathymetry/seagrid_slope_only.nc
Tile partition information for Grid 01: 0068x0068x0005 tiling: 001x001
tile Istr Iend Jstr Jend Npts
0 1 68 1 68 23120
Activated C-preprocessing Options:
ESTUARY Slope only test case
ANA_BSFLUX Analytical kinematic bottom salinity flux.
ANA_BTFLUX Analytical kinematic bottom temperature flux.
ANA_FSOBC Analytical free-surface boundary conditions.
ANA_INITIAL Analytical initial conditions.
ANA_SMFLUX Analytical kinematic surface momentum flux.
ANA_SSFLUX Analytical kinematic surface salinity flux.
ANA_STFLUX Analytical kinematic surface temperature flux.
AVERAGES Writing out time-averaged fields.
DIAGNOSTICS_UV Computing and writing momentum diagnostic terms.
DJ_GRADPS Parabolic Splines density Jacobian (Shchepetkin, 2002).
DOUBLE_PRECISION Double precision arithmetic.
EW_PERIODIC East-West periodic boundaries.
MASKING Land/Sea masking.
MIX_S_UV Mixing of momentum along constant S-surfaces.
NONLINEAR Nonlinear Model.
!NONLIN_EOS Linear Equation of State for seawater.
NORTHERN_WALL Wall boundary at Northern edge.
OUT_DOUBLE Double precision output fields in NetCDF files.
POWER_LAW Power-law shape time-averaging barotropic filter.
PROFILE Time profiling activated .
!RST_SINGLE Double precision fields in restart NetCDF file.
SALINITY Using salinity.
SOLVE3D Solving 3D Primitive Equations.
SOUTH_FSCHAPMAN Southern edge, free-surface, Chapman condition.
SOUTH_M2GRADIENT Southern edge, 2D momentum, gradient condition.
SPLINES Conservative parabolic spline reconstruction.
THREE_GHOST Using three Ghost Points in halo regions.
TS_MPDATA Recursive flux corrected MPDATA 3D advection of tracers.
UV_ADV Advection of momentum.
UV_U3HADVECTION Third-order upstream bias advection of momentum.
UV_QDRAG Quadratic bottom stress.
UV_VIS2 Harmonic mixing of momentum.
VAR_RHO_2D Variable density barotropic mode.
WET_DRY Wetting and drying activated.
INITIAL: Configuring and initializing forward nonlinear model ...
Vertical S-coordinate System:
level S-coord Cs-curve at_hmin over_slope at_hmax
5 0.0000000 0.0000000 -0.000 0.000 0.000
4 -0.2000000 -0.1767149 0.353 -0.599 -1.550
3 -0.4000000 -0.3665746 0.733 -1.242 -3.216
2 -0.6000000 -0.5681794 1.136 -1.924 -4.985
1 -0.8000000 -0.7795007 1.559 -2.640 -6.839
0 -1.0000000 -1.0000000 2.000 -3.387 -8.774
Time Splitting Weights: ndtfast = 20 nfast = 29
Primary Secondary Accumulated to Current Step
1-0.0009651193358779 0.0500000000000000-0.0009651193358779 0.0500000000000000
2-0.0013488780126037 0.0500482559667939-0.0023139973484816 0.1000482559667939
3-0.0011514592651645 0.0501156998674241-0.0034654566136461 0.1501639558342180
4-0.0003735756740661 0.0501732728306823-0.0038390322877122 0.2003372286649003
5 0.0009829200513762 0.0501919516143856-0.0028561122363360 0.2505291802792859
6 0.0029141799764308 0.0501428056118168 0.0000580677400948 0.3006719858911027
7 0.0054132615310267 0.0499970966129953 0.0054713292711215 0.3506690825040980
8 0.0084687837865132 0.0497264335364439 0.0139401130576347 0.4003955160405419
9 0.0120633394191050 0.0493029943471183 0.0260034524767397 0.4496985103876602
10 0.0161716623600090 0.0486998273761630 0.0421751148367487 0.4983983377638232
11 0.0207585511322367 0.0478912442581626 0.0629336659689854 0.5462895820219857
12 0.0257765478740990 0.0468533167015507 0.0887102138430844 0.5931428987235364
13 0.0311633730493853 0.0455644893078458 0.1198735868924698 0.6387073880313822
14 0.0368391158442262 0.0440063206553765 0.1567127027366960 0.6827137086867586
15 0.0427031802506397 0.0421643648631652 0.1994158829873357 0.7248780735499238
16 0.0486309868367616 0.0400292058506332 0.2480468698240973 0.7649072794005570
17 0.0544704302037592 0.0375976565087951 0.3025173000278565 0.8025049359093521
18 0.0600380921294286 0.0348741349986072 0.3625553921572851 0.8373790709079593
19 0.0651152103984763 0.0318722303921357 0.4276706025557614 0.8692513013000950
20 0.0694434033194840 0.0286164698722119 0.4971140058752453 0.8978677711723069
21 0.0727201499285570 0.0251442997062377 0.5698341558038024 0.9230120708785446
22 0.0745940258796570 0.0215082922098099 0.6444281816834594 0.9445203630883545
23 0.0746596950216180 0.0177785909158270 0.7190878767050775 0.9622989540041815
24 0.0724526566618460 0.0140456061647461 0.7915405333669234 0.9763445601689277
25 0.0674437485167025 0.0104229733316538 0.8589842818836260 0.9867675335005816
26 0.0590334053485720 0.0070507859058187 0.9180176872321980 0.9938183194064003
27 0.0465456732896125 0.0040991156383901 0.9645633605218105 0.9979174350447904
28 0.0292219798521905 0.0017718319739095 0.9937853403740009 0.9996892670186999
29 0.0062146596259991 0.0003107329813000 1.0000000000000000 0.9999999999999998
ndtfast, nfast = 20 29 nfast/ndtfast = 1.45000
Centers of gravity and integrals (values must be 1, 1, approx 1/2, 1, 1):
1.000000000000 1.060707743385 0.530353871693 1.000000000000 1.000000000000
Power filter parameters, Fgamma, gamma = 0.28400 0.14200
Minimum X-grid spacing, DXmin = 2.22740141E-02 km
Maximum X-grid spacing, DXmax = 2.37788760E-02 km
Minimum Y-grid spacing, DYmin = 2.15793592E-02 km
Maximum Y-grid spacing, DYmax = 2.93943967E-02 km
Minimum Z-grid spacing, DZmin = -4.40998655E-01 m
Maximum Z-grid spacing, DZmax = 1.93453005E+00 m
Minimum barotropic Courant Number = 1.51584110E-03
Maximum barotropic Courant Number = 5.25009888E-02
Maximum Coriolis Courant Number = 1.63176677E-04
Maximum grid stiffness ratios: rx0 = 1.184688E+00 (Beckmann and Haidvogel)
rx1 = 9.560814E+00 (Haney)
Initial basin volumes: TotVolume = 8.87846799624389E+06 m3
MinVolume = -2.35267976346406E+02 m3
MaxVolume = 1.29879883961064E+03 m3
Max/Min = -5.52050839974200E+00
NL ROMS/TOMS: started time-stepping:( TimeSteps: 00000001 - 00002750)
0 0.00000 0.000000E+00 2.928075E+01 2.928075E+01 9.575246E+06 0
DEF_HIS - creating history file: ocean_his.nc
WRT_HIS - wrote history fields (Index=1,1) into time record = 0000001
DEF_AVG - creating average file: ocean_avg.nc
DEF_DIAGS - creating diagnostics file: ocean_dia.nc