I did some search around and I believe ROMS_TOOLS is the best one available for pre- and post-processing, particularly for newcomers like me. CONGRATULATIONS to the authors! It will be very useful to have a access to a documented summary of the necessary changes needed to 'adapt' the roms_gui & ROMS_TOOLS to work with the rutgers version of ROMS (e.g. 2.2 & 3.0) code, since it is originally compatible with ROMS_AGRIF.
For instance, I managed to successfully get (most) a former version of roms_gui working for ROMS rutgers outputs by simply changing one variable 'time' => 'ocean_time'
Nevertheless, I've installed the latest ROMS_TOOLS (January-2007) in my computer; I am using Matlab 6.5 (R13), but after solving some minor issues I got stuck in 'feval'. In detail: I can only visualize the variables "zeta", "ubar" and "vbar". When I try to visualize baroclinic variables such "u", "v", "w" and "temp" I get:
Error using ==> feval
varget1: cannot have empty set in input position 4.
Another generalized limitation of all versions of ROMS_TOOLS are the issues with the $PATHs setup. Things tend only to work well in the /Run directory. Any suggestions for setting up a generalized $PATH setup? Another issue is related to the latest version of Matlab 7 (R14), anyone has managed to have ROMS_TOOLS & roms_gui (fully) working in R14?
Thanks in advance for your suggestions,
Euclides Luís (IST, Portugal)