Solar radiation warms my surface layers quickly

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Solar radiation warms my surface layers quickly

#1 Unread post by Fatima »

Dear all,
I want to run an idealized ice-covered lake with a homogenous salinity of 0 psu (I did not add an ice model). The surface temperature was set to freezing point temperature, with an initial linear stratification within the water column to a temperature of maximum density at the bottom. There were 45 km (500*500) of length and 150 m of depth (30 vertical layers) in my lake.
I want to model T_CML and H_CML (convectively mixed layer (CML)).
I added solar radiation effects to the model, but I couldn't keep the surface temperature at 0 degrees C throughout the entire model run. Is there any way to achieve this, or at least reduce the speed of surface warming?

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