Different result after cutting off land cells

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Different result after cutting off land cells

#1 Unread post by soilinkin »

Hi, I have my model almost set up. But in order to save some run time , I have decided to change the geometry of one river so I have less cells on ETA direction. After converting the grid and all the necessary inputs for the dimension change, I realized that the model results are slightly changed overall. In some area (far away from the river that was modified) there are more noticeable differences.

To QC, I have checked all my inputs to make sure they are converted correctly. And eventually I have tested with the grid before and after the modification with no other customized inputs, cold start and only with analytical inputs. Differences can still be seen.

Then I added 2 rows of land cells to the north side of the grid (it is closed boundary in the north anyway), and also run with cold start and analytical inputs. With this setup, I still get different results on 2 grid where the 2nd grid only have 2 more rows of land cells. The differences are small though.

So my question is, does the dimension of a grid affect the result even though geometry wise everything are the same? Have anyone else noticed this before? I just could not explain this. Hope someone can help.

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