Can ROMS handle weir crest overflow and dam discharge (both freshwater into saltwater)?

Discussion of how to use ROMS on different regional and basin scale applications.

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Can ROMS handle weir crest overflow and dam discharge (both freshwater into saltwater)?

#1 Unread post by stevenmiguelfigueroa »


I am thinking about tidal weirs on estuaries and tidal channels. Basically a freshwater channel overflows a wall into another oceanic channel of a certain depth. Now I am wondering, how deep does the oceanic channel have to be for stratification to occur for a given ocean tidal range. Is this kind of engineering question possible to investigate in ROMS? I am guessing that splashing isn’t allowed in ROMS? Or if it is, the time step must be really small? Is there any way to get around this (slow overflow speed)?

A similar question is discharge of freshwater into saltwater by a gate opening from the bottom. Different from my main question above, this is possible to explore the response to different opening amounts and durations, right?

Thank you.

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Re: Can ROMS handle weir crest overflow and dam discharge (both freshwater into saltwater)?

#2 Unread post by kate »

This ROMS is fundamentally a hydrostatic model. There are other models which include the non-hydrostatic effects of "not small" vertical accelerations. MITgcm is the one I hear most about.

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