Hello everybody,
I am studying very carefully ROMS and I have few questions.
I was checking on an old function ALBEDO_CLOUD that I found it is included on Kate's repository in github and compared with ROMS code I downloaded from ROMS' server. The functional ana_srflux.h in both cases correspond to the same function only that in the newest version ALBEDO_CLOUD is only named ALBEDO. So, that seems to be the same.
However, ALBEDO_CURVE is a function that I do not managed to find in the newest version, yet in Kate's version in github there is a functional ana_albedo.h which does not exist in the newest version.
Does that mean that this function and this functional (ana_albedo.h) has been deprecated or does that mean that Kate's version in github is meant to be used for a different model?
I am really lost with this and I would very much appreciate some help.
With all kindest regards,