Number of records have not been written in history and average files

General scientific issues regarding ROMS

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Number of records have not been written in history and average files

#1 Unread post by SSRIVASTAVA »

While running PISCES model the variables from the analytical.F file can not be read by the initial and climatology files. The number of records has not been written in history, average, or restart files, Only the .out file has been created. This is the following error coming:

Time splitting: ndtfast = 60 nfast = 89

Maximum grid stiffness ratios: rx0 =0.2054987796 rx1 = 2.3012375679

GET_INITIAL -- Processing data for time = 1.000 record = 1

GET_INITIAL - unable to find variable: tpas
in input NetCDF file: ROMS_FILES/ -> analytical value

GET_INITIAL - unable to find variable: CACO3
in input NetCDF file: ROMS_FILES/ -> analytical value

GET_INITIAL - unable to find variable: POC
in input NetCDF file: ROMS_FILES/ -> analytical value

GET_INITIAL - unable to find variable: NANO
in input NetCDF file: ROMS_FILES/ -> analytical value

GET_TCLIMA - unable to find climatology variable: bsi_time
in climatology NetCDF file: ROMS_FILES/

GET_TCLIMA - unable to find climatology variable: bfe_time
in climatology NetCDF file: ROMS_FILES/

GET_TCLIMA - unable to find climatology variable: goc_time
in climatology NetCDF file: ROMS_FILES/

GET_BRY_BIO - unable to find variable: dsi_time
in input NetCDF file: ROMS_FILES/ -> analytical value

GET_BRY_BIO - unable to find variable: nfe_time
in input NetCDF file: ROMS_FILES/ -> analytical value

GET_BRY_BIO - unable to find variable: nch_time
in input NetCDF file: ROMS_FILES/ -> analytical value

GET_BRY_BIO - unable to find variable: dch_time
in input NetCDF file: ROMS_FILES/ -> analytical value

GET_PSOURCE_TS - unable to find forcing variable: bsi_src_time
in runoff NetCDF file: ROMS_FILES/> analytical value (in analytical.F)

GET_PSOURCE_TS - unable to find forcing variable: fer_src_time
in runoff NetCDF file: ROMS_FILES/> analytical value (in analytical.F)

SET_CYCLE ERROR: Algorithm failure while processing variable: no3_src_time.

MAIN - number of records written into history file(s): 0
number of records written into restart file(s): 0
number of records written into averages file(s): 0
number of records written into diags file(s): 0

number of records written into avg diags file(s): 0
number of records written into diags file(s): 0
number of records written into avg diags file(s): 0

ERROR: Abnormal termination: netCDF INPUT

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