On the Wiki ROMS page, it looks like I should be able to get 3D relative and potential vorticity diagnostics in the diagnostic .nc file if I turn the logical switches on for pvorticity and rvorticity: https://www.myroms.org/wiki/Model_Diagnostics
However in the new roms_.in input file, it does not seem to have these variable options for diagnostic files, but I find them in the setting for average output file:
Is there a way I can pvorticity and rvorticity outputs for each time step (either thru the diagnostic output or maybe set the timestep for average output to 1?)Aout(id2dRV) == F ! pvorticity_bar 2D relative vorticity
Aout(id3dRV) == F ! pvorticity 3D relative vorticity
Aout(id2dPV) == F ! rvorticity_bar 2D potential vorticity
Aout(id3dPV) == F ! rvorticity 3D potential vorticity